From last time, Maki notices that Yuu actually likes Touko. While Yuu denies it, she actually starting to have feelings for Touko.

I find the bookstore scene rather interesting. Sure, Yuu finds out what books her friends buy as she works at the register. The funny thing is that Yuu noticed one of the books that Touko bought involves a generic love story turning into a lesbian romance. I have a feeling that Touko is trying to get Yuu’s reaction, although she denies it. Either way, it’s good fun.

With midterms coming soon, it’s time to prepare for it. If you remember from the last episode, it seemed that Koyumi was working on something secret. Apparently, she shares it with Yuu and it happens to be a draft of a novel she wrote for a contest. I wonder what kind of story it is. A romance novel? I guess we will find out after the midterms.

Aside from that, Yuu wants a study partner and considered Maki. Of course, Touko comes and ask to do a study session. It’s obvious where this is going with her tutoring Yuu. Even if it’s a study session, it’s like Touko wants some bonding time with Yuu and it’s nice. After all, Touko said she is doing it for affection.
Still, Yuu wonders why Touko decides to choose her. After all, Yuu doesn’t mind Touko liking her. Or maybe what Maki said to Yuu is becoming true that she actually likes Touko. I think Yuu asking Touko to come over to her place to study is her first indication of this.

When she brings Touko to her place, Rei and her boyfriend was there. It’s funny how Rei’s boyfriend asks if Touko is actually Yuu’s girlfriend. While Rei deny it, it can become a reality. After all, a friend wouldn’t give such an expensive souvenir nor ask the friend’s older sister a recipe for a cheesecake. In a way, she is hinting to Yuu’s older sister that she loves her little sister.

That said, while Touko is happy to see the souvenir that she bought for Yuu and smell her bed, it’s obvious that she is distracted. After all, she is in the bedroom of her crush. Touko kind of acted the same way Yui did when she had Kase over her house, but somewhat subdued. Yuu eventually notices that Touko is blushing and her heart rate is through the roof. It’s obvious that Touko is having feelings of love.

In the end, Yuu still haven’t made up her mind about Touko. Most of it is because her heart hasn’t decided yet. I suspect she make up her mind eventually. Still, I think she made some progress nonetheless.
This show is amazing! Keeps getting better and better.
Rei-chan doing her best for her imouto! Looking forward to Touko’s surprise cheesecakes for Yuu.
The entire scene in Yuu’s room was GOLD!
Slowly but surely Yuu’s heart will show her the right path.
Definitely. Still, it’s nice to see Yuu’s older sister supporting the relationship. Still, wonder how the cheese cake will turn out.
But, it’s quite obvious that Touko is excited to be in Yuu’s bedroom that she can’t concentrate. But aside from that, maybe slowly but surely Yuu’s heart will find the answer.