At last, Ellie is finally adjusting life in the modern world. With that, Hinata meets her for the first time. How will she react?
Now that Ellie moved into the same neighborhood as Sophie, she adjusts to life in the modern era. She drinks Sophie’s entire blood supply to get used to bottled blood. Eventually, Sophie shows her how easy it is to order things on the internet and have them delivered relatively quickly. Eventually, Hinata came over to visit and Akari introduces her to Ellie.
When Hinata treats Ellie like a child, Ellie became angry. She gropes Hinata’s breasts in retaliation. This causes Hinata to cry as she eventually leaves. Ellie later reveals her disappointment of being unable to grow up and become a beautiful lady. Ellie eventually saves Hinata from a fall on the stairs and made up with her.
The next day, Sophie helped Ellie set up her appliances. On her way home, she helps a lady who was carrying bags of groceries. From this, Sophie decides to cook something for Akari with Hinata helping her. While Sophie had trouble cooking something special for Akari, Hinata suggests cooking something simple. They decided to make curry for Akari. Sophie eventually put on a hazard suit so she can pour the curry sauce into the pot, which has garlic.

At last, Ellie is finally getting used to the conveniences of the modern era. Sure, Sophie seeing her whole blood supply wiped out is frustrating, but it’s for the best. After all, she probably doesn’t want Ellie going around biting people and turning them into vampires. Still, Ellie seems amazed that there is Beauty’s and Innocent Idol favor blood and that the stuff came rather quickly.
From the looks of it, Ellie is getting used to modern life rather quickly. She now wants a TV, a laptop and one of those iPhones. Even so, she decides to pay Sophie with bars of solid gold. I find this funny since people don’t actually use gold as currency anymore, but rather stores of value. From the looks of it, it will be awhile until Ellie gets used to a computer. Still, this shows how long Ellie was sleeping. With that, it’s nice to see Sophie help assist Ellie setting up her appliances, including plugging them in.

At last, the thing I was excited for is Hinata meeting Ellie for the first time. As expected, Hinata treated Ellie like a child and patted her on the head. This is not surprising given cute Ellie is. Still, it’s understandable why Ellie would become annoyed. After all, she is stuck in a child’s body for over 400 years. While it’s understandable why Ellie became upset, it’s not right for her to grope Hinata’s breasts, especially given her past experiences.
Still, it’s interesting to see why Ellie reacted this way. She wanted to grow up into a beautiful lady, but cut short. Also, it’s interesting to learn about Hinata’s past experiences of her classmates bullying her.. During middle school, boys belittled her for not having a feminine appearance while having huge breasts at her age. It’s easy to sympathize with her since I got bullied too when I was her age. Still, she shouldn’t let the bullies bother her. Hinata looks cute the way she is.

Aside from that, it’s nice to see Ellie make up with Hinata. It seems that they have more in common given the experiences they went through in regards to their appearances. Does this mean that a Ellie and Hinata pairing can become a possibility? We have to wait and see.

As for the second half as the title of this episode suggest, Sophie tries to cook a meal. I find it funny how she thinks that nails can become a source of iron and dirt providing a lot of nutrients. Sadly, they are not food and Hinata had to take her food shopping. Even after buying ingredients, it seems that Sophie can’t make anything editable. It’s obvious that she is trying too hard.

While I find it funny how Sophie wants to make Strawberry Daifuku rice balls, she eventually decides to make something simple. After all, the thought of making a meal matters more than making one that is special. While it’s funny to see Sophie put on a hazard suit so she doesn’t have to smell the garlic, Akari seems to like the meal Sophie cooked. Hopefully someday, Sophie will become able to cook other meals for Akari and her friends. Still, it’s funny to see Ellie come up to Sophie and run away from the smell of garlic.
The first meeting between Ellie and Hinata was worth the wait. Looking forward to more. Both their respective personal issues were understandable. Bullies are petty dorks.
The cooking segment was adorable and quite amusing but that’s no surprise. It’s two girls cooking for their love interest after all.
Yes, their first meeting did not disappoint. Yes, bullies as always are always that way, jerks.
Well definitely, given how much Hinata loves Akari and Sophie too, even if she doesn’t admit it.