At last, Sophie’s longtime friend, Ellie finally pays a visit to her old friend. Sophie doesn’t seem to like her presence. I wonder why?
While Akari heads home, she runs into a blond-haired girl that looks like a doll. She happens to be Ellie, who apparently came from America after sleeping for 100 years. She arrives at Sophie’s mansion and waits for her. When Sophie comes to the living room, Ellie causes havoc such as breaking one of her figures, causing Sophie’s laptop to malfunction, wasting blood to bathe in it, and sucking Sophie’s blood. Ellie almost wanted to do the same to Akari before Sophie stopped her.
After Akari did Ellie’s makeup after she messed it up, Akari introduces herself to her. However, Ellie becomes distrustful towards Akari since she is a human. Ellie feared that Akari would try to get rid of her and tries to take Sophie away from her. However, Akari becomes upset that Ellie will take Sophie away. When Ellie tries to attack Akari, Akari starts acting strange. Ultimately, Ellie decides to accept Akari and leaves. Ellie eventually moved into the same neighborhood so she can visit Sophie any time.

At last, the blonde-haired vampire, Ellie finally pays a visit to Sophie. As expected, Ellie is the opposite of Sophie since she is a bit more cheerful and mischievous. She is also older than Sophie as well. As mentioned in the last episode, Ellie caused Sophie to have traumatic memories of them traveling on a ship and watching a beheading, which Sophie didn’t want to watch.

It’s understandable why Sophie didn’t view her as a friend, although Ellie would said otherwise. Ellie admits that she is lovers with Sophie, although Sophie denies it. It gets crazier when Ellie decides to suck Sophie’s blood after wasting her blood supply and eventually kisses her on the cheeks. Not only that, Ellie declares that Sophie is her favorite girl in the world. Sure, this kind of stuff would make Akari jealous. It shows when Ellie try to take Sophie away and Akari won’t let her.

Even so, I find it funny how Ellie causes a lot of trouble for Sophie. For instance, Ellie thought it’s a good idea to waste all of Sophie’s blood supply just to bathe in it. It’s funny seeing Akari freak out when she brings Ellie the shampoo. As expected, Ellie manages to touch and break one of Sophie’s figurines and caused Sophie’s laptop to malfunction. Lastly, Ellie waited in Sophie’s coffin so she can sleep together. In my opinion, seeing Sophie’s reaction to this was hilarious.

With that, this can easily explain why Sophie would rather not have Ellie visit her. Ellie is quite the trouble maker. At least Sophie got back at her with Ellie messing up her makeup since she can’t see herself in the mirror.

Still, it’s understandable why Ellie seems suspicious of Akari being friends with Sophie at first. Given how she reacted when she finds out that Akari is human, Ellie fears that Akari might betray her. It’s understandable given that humans feared vampires. Since Ellie has been asleep for 100 of years, humans and vampires started to get along with each other so that they can coexist together. Given that Akari doesn’t mind being bitten by a doll-like vampire, it easily convinces to accept her.

With Ellie finally moving in, it should be interesting to see how everything goes from here. After all, it looks like we have a love square of some sort since Hinata has feelings for Akari and Akari have feelings with Sophie. Now that Ellie loves Sophie, how will Hinata react towards her? We have to wait and see when Hinata actually meets Ellie.
Ellie lived up to the hype.
Akari’s yuri force is one to be reckoned with, oh yes indeed.
I’m very interested in Ellie’s first encounter with Hinata. Poor dear needs someone to snuggle with.
Agreed. But yes, Akari’s attraction to girls with doll like appearances is nothing to be reckoned with. I wonder what will happen if Ellie actually bite her, will Akari turn into a vampire?
But yes, it should be interesting to see Hinata when she sees Ellie for the first time.
She may become one.
Can’t wait for that first meeting!