Now that Melo Fest is finally here, will the girls make it to 10,000?
It’s finally the big day as the girls prepare to perform in the south stage. Initally, things started out well with people pouring in steadily. They almost hit over 9000 until the power went off when the girls about to perform their last song. With people leaving, it seems as if Ongaku Shoujo’s future is at stake.

With people leaving, Hanako has to do something. Besides sharing what Ongaku Shoujo means to her, she started to sing. As you would expect, Hanako is bad at singing. While she sang, the audience started to laugh and make fun of her. It exploded over social media and a lot of people apparently came. The girls eventually went on stage and slap themselves for having Hanako sacrifice her reputation to save them.

Thankfully, the power went back on when they about to perform. Most importantly, Hanako doesn’t just want to help Ongaku Shoujo, but wants to become one. It took 10 episodes to get to that point. Hopefully now, Hanako will receive enough singing lessons so she can sing decently.

Final Impressions
Compared to most idol anime, Ongaku Shoujoin a way does feel like Wake Up Girls compared to The Idolmaster or Love Live. Ongaku Shoujo throughout the 11 or so episodes have to deal with Murphy’s Law getting in the way with the makeup artist unable to show up to dealing with the group possibly disbanding. Nevertheless, they pull through thanks to the girls’ resourcefulness and of course Hanako supporting the group. No matter how terrible Hanako’s singing skills are, she basically takes on the role of the producer. Yes, pretty much the actual producer does hardly anything useful.
The characters are enjoyable and each receive time in the spotlight besides Haru, Eri and Sarasa, which is a carryover from the OVA. Of course, the animation leaves a lot to be desired. While it’s not a total disaster like Märchen Mädchen, the animation in the later episodes took a huge dip. The seventh episode was very noticeable with this aspect. Despite the production flaws, it’s a fun show and it’s nice to see Uori warm up to warm up to Hanako.
Really good show with two awesome last episodes.
Best girls are Shupe, Hanako and Miku.
Hanako X Uori will have a wonderful life together after Ongaku Shoujo’s done. Hoping Kiri and Roro also hook up. Maybe Shupe and Hiyo too.
A different kind of idol show and I quite liked it. Looking forward to the Blu-Rays where the animation issues are hopefully rectified.
I agree that the show is very enjoyable to watch besides some of the production woes.
But it’s funny how Hanako and Uori is a thing, although it’s hinted in the first episode and throughout the series.
Solid buildup to them pretty much becoming a couple. Oh yes indeed.
I hope there is Ongaku Shoujo S2 where I can see Hanako and her friends as an idol