Now that Haruka and Kanata is now tied to Claire and Emily, who will come out victorious?
It’s down to the wire as both sides aren’t willing to give up. While Claire and Emily scored a point, Kanata and Haruka manages to tie again and even get a match point. While heading to the next serve, Haruka recalls her time with her new friends. She is glad to have made those memories. Although the last serve was intense and it looks like Claire and Emily was going to win, Haruka was able to make that block that allowed her and Kanata to win.

While one fears that Claire would become upset that she didn’t win, she took it well. Despite Kanata and Haruka feeling down and concerned about Claire and Emily, Akari shows the next message that Narumi sent. Narumi tells Haruka and Kanata to be happy about the victory for Claire’s and Emily’s sake while congratulating them. Although Kanata started tearing up after reading the text message, it was nice to see Narumi congratulate her ex-partner’s win.
Meanwhile, Emily checks on her older sister. It’s a good thing that Claire doesn’t regret training Haruka and Kanata. If they haven’t, they wouldn’t have a rival worthy for them. With that, they will definitely support Haruka and Kanata as they go on to the nationals.

With the regional tornament out of the way, there are some light-hearted moments as Haruka and her friends celebrate their victory on a beach. It’s funny how Haruka finds out that she is the only one that never experienced a beach party. Also, Akari manages to drop a pair of tongs while the sea grapes went down the wrong tubes. Thankfully, Claire came crazy prepared as she shows them a clean tong.
Aside from that, the girls had fun on the beach. Eventually, Narumi calls Haruka. Haruka shares how Kanata is doing. It’s quite amazing how Haruka still remembers the promise of ice cream she made with Narumi and Ayasa. It seems that they forgot. Hopefully they will fulfill it during a future visit or during nationals. Either way, Narumi seems glad that her ex-partner is doing well thanks to Haruka.

While everyone buys some more drinks, Claire and Haruka stayed behind. Haruka mentions that she was able to do that block to win the game. It was thanks to Claire showing her. Claire decides to return the favor by giving her own and Emily’s scrunchies to Haruka to show that they believe in her. While nationals will be tough, they are committed to support Haruka and Kanata no matter what so they can succeed. Either way, they wrap up their party as Haruka and Kanata prepares for the next match.
Final Impressions
While I don’t cover sports anime usually, Harukana Receiveis a fun watch. It’s nice to see Kanata, who used to play beach volleyball, but quit to regain interest in it. It’s thanks to Haruka, who is her cousin that strengthens her bonds with Kanata while gaining other friends along the way.
As for the characters, they are very enjoyable, most notably Claire, Emily, Akari and Narumi, who is Kanata’s ex-partner or rather, ex-girlfriend. Since this show has an all-female cast with no males to be seen, it’s obvious that there is yuri. This is not too surprising since the source material is serialized in the Manga Time Kirara. The yuri elements is more obvious with the Haruka and Kanata pairing when Haruka shows a swimsuit with a pattern that basically means a love confession. Of course, there is that scene when Haruka blows into Kanata’s ears too. Aside from that, there are also the moments with Narumi and Ayasa as well.
That said, Harukana Receive is a fun show focusing on girls playing beach volleyball. Overall, I liked the presentation, which made the matches look exciting. That said, if you don’t like beach episodes, you should probably not watch this since every episode is essentially one. If they are your thing and find girls playing beach volleyball interesting, give it a try. You might enjoy it.
I don’t think I need to go into great detail on how I feel about this show. 10/10. One of my all-time favorites. Super gay. GLORIOUS! Narumi best babe. Excellent sexy gay volleyball goodness. Akari’s commercial theme is the best. You know the drill.
Yes, like most Manga Time Kirara shows I watch, they are for the most part very enjoyable to watch, and this is no exception