Miku seems to have trouble buying fried chicken as someone buys them all out. I wonder who.
Miku becomes disappointed since everyone keeps buying all the fried chicken before she got there. It will become obvious who is the culprit, who appears to be an old guy. More on that later.

Apparently, Natsuki who was working on the song release did not like how it sounded, thus he canceled it. With that, it’s understandable why the girls became disappointed. They looked forward to having a song composition from a renowned song writer. However, this mistake is mostly due to Hanako being careless and approving the lyrics without receiving approval. Later on, this is revealed to not be the case.

Thankfully, Miku isn’t willing to give up and decides to take Hanako to Natsuki’s house to set things right. However, she takes her to a food stand, only to become disappointed, which is quite funny. Thankfully the girls found where he lives thanks to Sarasa.

At first, he is not willing to change his mind. While Hanako and Miku comes off as desperate trying to show him the recent photo and biographies, they take drastic actions. Aside from Miku dancing badly due to hunger, Hanako decides to take a different approach. She talks about his works to open up to him. He reveals writes music from the prospective of different people, which in this case, a 17-year old. However, he lost inspiration after looking at Miku’s lyrics as he is overworked before realizing he passed the deadline.
It’s understandable to see why he feels that way. Since he has been writing the same style songs for a long time, it’s difficult to come up with new ideas. Of course, this doesn’t happen just with music composition, but also with writing. It can become difficult to come up with good ideas, especially if one already wrote about all the ideas come into mind. At times like these, he or she needs to clear their minds out to regain inspiration. This can explain why he goes to New York City to clear his mind. Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be enough.

Now that Miku regained her energy from eating fried chicken, she decides to dance again for Natsuki’s1 7-year-old girl self. I find it funny how he started dancing as well. While it seems silly, I think it worked great to get him back into the grove as he can become the 17-year old girl by imitating Miku’s moves and convey that feeling he needs to create the song. After all, he needs to be in the shoes of that girl to write a song that will fit from her point of view.

In the end, it worked wonders as the girls enjoyed recording the song. Not only that, it became a big hit among the fans of Ongaku Girls. Thanks to their release becoming a big hit, they will participate in an outdoor festival. Yes, you know what that means next time? A swimsuit episode!

Still, I have to admit it’s funny how Miku revealed herself to be the fried chicken rival. The lyrics made it quite obvious to Natsuki who also complains about someone buying out all the fried chicken. It seems as if they are going to fight over it. It didn’t last long thanks to Miku’s hunger as her energy comes from meat. Either way, it’s nice to see her become friends with Natsuki given that they have some things in common.

In the last half, it seems that Uori is having a difficult time singing while practicing. Is this something bad that will affect the girls next time? We have to wait and see.
An epic clash cut short due to hunger. Very fun episode with an interesting look at people’s feminine sides. Miku’s delightful.3rd best.
I have to admit that the fight over fired chicken is quite funny. Yes, it was interesting to watch.