From last time, Haruka and Kanata is struggling against Ai and Mai since they are behind 6 points. Will they be able to turn things around?
From last time, it seems that Kanata is hitting her pokeys at a very high angle, making it easy for Ai and Mai to counter them. However, Ai’s and Mai’s performance are starting to stumble as they wear themselves out from being on the defensive. During that time, Haruka’s blocks are getting better.
Eventually, Haruka and Kanata caught up to them. Kanata manages to serve a ball that looked like it went out-of-bounds, but hit inside the court because of the wind. In the match point, Haruka successfully blocked Ai’s ball and Mai couldn’t hit it. In the end, Haruka and Kanata won the match.
After the tournament ended, Emily and Claire won the tournament. However, Haruka and Kanata managed to win only one round. While Kanata becomes disappointed that she couldn’t face Emily and Claire, Haruka and Kanata makes a promise with them to go to nationals next year.

As expected, it seems that Kanata has a strategy that involves performing high angled pokeys. Apparently, she wanted to wear out the opposing team. This is not surprising since being on the defensive all the time is a bad thing. Eventually, you will get crushed since one can’t go back on the offensive. This is exactly what happened to Mai and Ai since they started to look tired.

From last time, I knew that Haruka and Kanata will eventually pull through. Since Kanata tired Ai and Mai out, this opens up the opportunity to turn things around and win the game. It’s mostly thanks to Haruka finally performing a successful block. I knew she will eventually get it since her timing when she does the jump improved with each try. Still, I have to admit that Haruka’s and Kanata’s victory gave a nice moment when Kanata hugs her.

After the match, it’s obvious that Mai is very upset. Ai admits to lying that volleyball is a sport that short people can beat tall people. It seems that she wants to make it sound cool despite losing every time. Mai apologies to Ai for sucking at volleyball as she couldn’t help her out. It’s understandable why she feels this way since Mai doesn’t treat her like a child compared to other tall girls. Eventually, Mai reassured Ai that they will win someday. This shows that she still has trust in her despite the setbacks.

In the end, Emily and Claire won the tournament. It’s to be expected. Still, what is amazing is that they managed to get a second spot for nationals as well. It’s obvious that Haruka and Kanata wants to make it there too. For that to happen, Claire decides to ask her mother for help. I wonder what kind of training she plans to do with them.

Aside from that, Emily sent pictures of the tournament to Narumi. This includes a picture of Haruka and Kanata holding their prize of winning their first round together. It seems that she is happy that Kanata found her own soulmate. I have to admit that it is cute seeing Aya poke her in the cheeks after seeing Narumi smile at the photo of Haruka and Kanata. Either way, it looks like Emily kept her promise to Narumi. Aside from that, the pony-tailed girl finally comes and she asks Kanata about the beach volleyball club. I wonder why? We’ll find out next week.
Great conclusion. HaruKana may have not won the tournament but their love for one another remains strong, as does NaruAya’s.
We didn’t get to see the other matches but there’s still plenty more gay volleyball goodness to come so it’s all good.
Yes, it’s nice to see Haruka and Kanata to turn around. But yes, their bonds are strong, which is why they pulled through. Maybe now, Mai won’t be too conceited now that she lost.
But yes, it should be interesting to see how the other matches go.