Hanako decides to help out Ongaku Shoujo despite her terrible signing from last time. However, Uori doesn’t seem happy that Hanako is helping out.
Despite the less than great singing performance from Hanako, her parents finally agree to allow her to help them out. It’s funny how her parents agree that Hanako is terrible at singing from seeing their expressions. Still, it makes me wonder how she will fit in given that she can’t sing. Time will only tell.
It seems that the girls are happy to see Hanako helping them out. However, Uori is not happy since Hanako is not taking idols seriously. While she comes off as a tsundere, her seriousness kind of reminds me a bit of Sonoda Umi and Kisaragi Chihaya since they idol thing seriously. The funny thing is that Uori decided to keep the costume alterations that Hanako made before their performance. It’s obvious that she might actually like Hanako but denies it. I think she will loosen up eventually.
Aside from Sarasa explaining the rules and telling Hanako to express herself freely if it’s about Ongaku Shoujo, she takes a bath with Sasame. Hanako shares how she learned about idols from her mother to Sasame. The funny thing is that it’s not about that monster creature that Hanako is holding. Her mother describes idols what they are actually are, someone who makes everyone happy and giddy with the power of music. From this, Hanako believes that the doll is her vision of an idol. Still, it’s quite funny to see Hanako blush when Miku came into the bath. Maybe she finds her attractive?
The next day, the producer takes Hanako to Pine Records to be a part-time receptionist. Her first task is to bring the costumes that Uori accidentally left. It’s surprising how she got to the destination so quickly. That is dedication.
Hanako eventually decides to make alterations to the costumes to make it suit the girls’ needs better. Of course, Uori becomes upset that Hanako changing her outfit by removing the bow. Thankfully, the fans seem to love the alterations Hanako made. The members seem to like the changes too and they thank Hanako, except for Uori of course. I guess it will be awhile until Hanako will be able to get along with Uori.
Even so, it’s quite interesting how Hanako decides to join an idol message board and became friends with someone. I wonder who the new friend is since she knows a bit about Ongaku Shoujo. It might actually be Uori. I think it would be amusing if her new friend is actually her.
And thus the secret romance began to blossom between pen pals who lived closer together than they thought.
Even from the first episode, the pairing is somewhat obvious. But it’s nice to see them become online friends.