Now that Haruka agreed to a rematch with Narumi’s team, Kanata trains Haruka. However, there is something that still bothers Kanata, which caused her to break up with a certain someone.

Apparently, Haruka’s strings on her swimsuit are getting in the way of playing volleyball. After all, those things can easily become a hindrance. It’s not surprising since the strings are just for show as Eiko states.
This of course leads to some ship teasing moments with Haruka and Kanata. It’s cute to see Kanata blush when she looks at Haruka’s butt. It’s also funny to see her reaction when Haruka’s top fell off. This doesn’t stop there as Kanata wakes up and she sees Haruka on top of her and falling asleep next to her. From this, people will wonder if Kanata have a thing for Haruka, despite being cousins.

Besides the ship teasing, it’s nice that Haruka is becoming better at playing beach volleyball. It’s all thanks to Kanata’s training that allows Haruka to learn all the important techniques, including running, hitting, passing, serving and the Cut Shot. Kanata definitely gave Haruka a lot of confidence that she didn’t have during the first match.
However, there is something about Kanata that interests me. As seen in a flashback, Narumi used to be her partner. When her spike attempt failed, she started to freeze up and started avoid the ball. Narumi decide to be the ace, but it didn’t go so well. Kanata broke up with Narumi when she quit beach volleyball. This can explain why Narumi said that there is no such thing as an Ace in beach volleyball from last time. This is not surprising, especially given Narumi’s experiences and Kanata’s height difference with everyone else.

Haruka eventually learns about this from Ayasa and she fears that Kanata might do the same thing to her. Still, it’s funny how Ayasa say that Narumi might want Kanata back if she returns. Still, it’s obvious that Ayasa won’t let Narumi go that easily since she has a strong hold on Narumi. Even so, it’s interesting to learn that Narumi is actually a shy person despite having a strict personality.
Surprisingly, Kanata overheard their conversation and decides not to run away anymore. She finally ditches her one-piece school swimsuit for her old swimsuit and ties her hair in a ponytail. At last, the old and confident Kanata is back. However, is this enough for her to overcome her fear of receiving?

As for the actual match, it seems that Haruka and Kanata manages to get the ball over. Sadly, it’s hard for them to get the ball across since Narumi and Ayasa blocks it. Even their Cut Shot plan didn’t work either. In short, Haruka decides to avoid the next serve and have Kanata do the receive. While she was afraid at first, the strategy worked since she trusted Haruka. As you would expect, Narumi was in disbelief as Haruka and Kanata manages to scores a point.

This makes you wonder, why Narumi keep serving the ball to Haruka instead of Kanata? It’s because of what happened during that time as mentioned earlier. Thankfully, Ayasa managed to calm Narumi down. She became upset that she couldn’t make her pairing with Kanata work, but Haruka can. It’s simply not meant to be. It happens all the time and Narumi shouldn’t blame herself for it.

With that, it’s nice to see Haruka and Kanata closer to each other more than ever now that they fully trust each other. Now, Haruka wants to continue playing beach volleyball. With that, a new challenger appears. We have to wait until next time to see who it is.
Lesbian drama is the best kind of drama. Oh yes indeed. Now we know what happened and compared to Hanebad’s drama this was obviously better.
Narumi is so sexy. They all are but for me Narumi is top tier.
Kanata was blessed that day.
The Hype Twins are coming. Get ready!
Absolutely. But yes, Narumi does look great and obviously Kanata seems to like Haruka’s figure.
But yes, the twins should be interesting to watch next time.