Several months passed by and at last, the Dream Cup is finally here. Who will win?

While it’s disappointing to see Special lose after winning the Tokyo Cup, it’s nice that Suzuka achieved her dream. She eventually won all the G-1 races and receive the chance to run in America. I have to admit it’s great to see Special share what her team is doing since then. Witnessing Suzuka and Special reunite with each other is bliss.

I have to admit that during the Dream Cup party where they announce the numbers for the race, it was interesting to learn about the Trainer’s past. Apparently, he had members quit on him since he didn’t give any his members any training. The only members that remained is Gold Ship. This shows that she has a lot of dedication. Then again, it’s not so surprising since she goofs off all the time. However, she is the master mind of getting Daiwa Scarlet, Vodka and McQueen on board. The rest came together with Suzuka, Special and Teio eventually joining.

As for the race itself, it’s nice to see the girls run together. It’s obviously a draw since the girls performed at the same time which is nice to see. Meanwhile, we got to see a new horse girl become excited as she watches the performance. As usual, the Trainer does that thing and the horse girl kicks him in the face. It seems that he never learns from his mistakes and just asking for it. Either way, it’s was a nice performance.
Final Thoughts
I have to admit that while Uma Musumeis a silly concept with horse girls based off real life racing horses race each other. I have to admit that this concept is fun especially with the races and comedy. Sure, the series received a lot of flak because of the trainer and the belief that he will ruin the yuri pairings. Surprisingly, he didn’t interfere with any of the pairings, especially with Special and Suzuka.
Also, the drama is well executed when Suzuka injures herself with Special starting her long losing streak shortly after. It came as a result of her focusing on Suzuka too much rather than on her actual goal. Lastly, the animation is great since PA Works did the animation. Either way, I think Uma Musumeworth a watch if you enjoy sports anime with cute horse girls racing each other.
Trainer Guy’s bad habit aside this was a surprisingly incredible anime. One of my favorites of 2018. The races shown on screen were intense, most of the horsies were wonderful and there was enough Yuri goodness to the point goggles weren’t necessary.
Special X Suzuka’s journeys were wonderful and exciting to watch, Gold Ship is the breakout star of the show.and I would have loved to see more Hishi Amazon. So sexy.
Of course we cannot overlook the awesomeness that is children raised by two moms once again playing a role in an anime. Unfortunately we’re still waiting for that one show with both alive and well…besides NanoFate.
For the most part, I agree. Sure the Trainer is ehhh, but I did enjoy what I saw and of course the pairings.
Still quite amazing that Gold Ship is seen with a lot of children that seems to enjoy her.