At last, it’s Christmas time. However, Ruki doesn’t seem to like the holiday.
Ririko decides to take out the Christmas decorations since it’s almost Christmas. Kaoruko and Koyume decides to decorate the tree. Tsubasa eventually points out Ruki pacing around the dorm’s front entrance. Apparently, Ruki is having trouble with her research for her manga since she never experienced love. Kaoruko suggests Ruki to read fan letters, which are from her female fanbase. She eventually seeks for advice from Suzu about her manga.
When Ruki came back to her room, her friends surprise her with a birthday celebration. The girls exchanged presents. While Kaoruko is reluctant to give her present to Ruki, she eventually did, which is a cosplay outfit from one of her favorite characters, Himenkokawa Ruka. Ruki decides to wear it, which gives her motivation to finish her manuscripts.
At the end of the week, Kaoruko couldn’t return home since her parents are on vacation. Tsubasa decides to take her along and tells her not to tell Koyume what happened. She put on a hairpiece to make her hair long before heading home. Kaoruko becomes surprised by how rich Tsubasa is.
When the girls came back, they celebrated New Years and have roasted potatoes. The girls used their rejected manuscripts as fuel. However, Kaoruko is sad to see their work go away. With that, she decides to use her bags of rejected manuscripts in place of her friends.

It’s surprising to see Ruki dislike Christmas. Nobody I know in real life hates the holiday. Of course, this has to do with love since unlike Koyume and Tsubasa, Ruki never experienced it. I have to admit that it’s funny seeing her ask advice from Suzu about her romance manga. Still, it’s understandable, but doesn’t have to be this way since Ruki have Kaoruko after all.

I’m surprised that Ruki’s birthday is on Christmas Eve. While Tsubasa’s and Koyume’s gift choices is predictable, I didn’t expect Kaoruko to give her cosplay. Yes, believe it or not, the costume is from the character that resembles Ruki, Himenkokawa Ruka. I have to admit that Ruki looks cute in the cat-girl Santa cosplay outfit.

Still, it’s quite amazing how Ruki gained the motivation just like that. Maybe it’s not so surprising since Kaoruko and Ruki are in the same boat as they never experienced love before and they are alone most of the time.

As for Tsubasa taking Kaoruko along, it’s surprising that Tsubasa have to put hairpiece on to make her hair appear longer. Once they arrived at her house, this explains everything since it’s a castle. Tsubasa is from a rich family and her parents are strict. They will definitely not approve Tsubasa cutting her hair short and seeing her wear boyish clothing. Still I find it funny how Tsubasa’s piano playing and dining manners slipped since she left for the dorms. I have to admit that Kaoruko reactions during her visit is hilarious.

Aside from that, it’s nice to see Ruki come along to the rescue to convince Tsubasa’s parents that everything is fine and handed her parents photos. I find it amusing how Ruki photoshopped in long hair for Tsubasa. It seems that she didn’t do a good job, but thankfully they didn’t notice. Still, this can explain everything as Tsubasa’s parents are very strict. They only allowed their daughter to do the dorm thing if she fulfill a bunch of conditions. One of them being that manga drawing can’t overtake everything.
Still, I have to admit that long-haired rich-girl Tsubasa looks prettier since she is princess like. I also find it funny how Kaoruko starts to panic as Tsubasa regresses back to her old ways and loses all motivation to draw manga.
It’s hilarious how Kaoruko almost shared photos of Tsubasa in this state to Koyume before Tsubasa erased Kaoruko’s phone. Hopefully Kaoruko backed up her phone to the cloud before that happened. Still, I guess this for the best as Koyume would probably freak out if she saw Tsubasa with long hair and in a pretty dress.
Aside from the New Year’s thing, which Kaoruko received bad luck, it’s sad to see the girls burn their old manuscripts. It’s because they spent a lot of time creating them. This can explain why Kaoruko saved one of the pages as it went into the fire.

In place of her friends’, she sacrifices her own failed transcripts. This is symbolic as it releases Kaoruko from her past failures, allowing her to focus on becoming better. Aside from that, it’s funny how Suzu screams as if the storyboards actually spoke. Never change Suzu.
Suzu is a treasure.
I am so envious of Tsubasa.
Christmas Ruki was hot. Good job KAOS! #SpiritAnimal
It’s not surprising since Tsubasa is so lucky, despite her parents being really strict. I have to admit that lady-like Tsubasa is pretty and Koyume will probably go all over that.
Yes, Ruki looks great in the cosplay Kaoruko picked out.
Suzu is <3.