Somehow, a small roll cake managed to turn into a huge monster.
Once again, Sakura saw a strange dream with a masked being and clocks appearing. Also, the dragon appeared too. After she woke up, she accidentally hits Kero. While she has a vague idea who is the masked being, she still doesn’t know for sure. With that, she went to the park to meet with Rika. She gives Sakura some picture books. However, Sakura forgot her apron and made a mad dash back to the house and to school. Thankfully, she made it back on time.
At school, Sakura made some roll cake with Tomoyo and Akiho. Eventually, the cakes started to move. With that, Sakura puts everyone to sleep as she attempts to capture the card. The cake eventually got bigger. With that, Sakura used the Spiral card to shrink it so that she can capture it. After school, Akiho shows the cake to Kaito. Eventually, Kaito turned back time as Momo comes alive and mentions that he doesn’t have much time left.

To me, it’s nice to see Rika again since she is written out of the story. She brought picture books and one of them is of course Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Are they foreshadowing something since the stories in the clock covered book sound the same? More on the clocks later.

As for this card of the week, cakes came alive this time. I have to admit that they look cute. Sadly, they are not editable and it became outright dangerous when it grew bigger. Still, the students, especially Akiho are probably disappointed that their cakes that they worked so hard on disappeared in an instant.

Aside from that, we learn more about Kaito. Apparently, Momo is a plush that can become alive just like Kero. Apparently, she doesn’t like the fact that Akiho is clumsy. Either way, we learn that Kaito is apparently turning back time so it won’t tick midnight. Also, he is having Sakura doing the dirty work in collecting all the cards so he can execute his plan. Of course, Sakura doesn’t know that he is actually doing that.

Still, I have to admit that his unintentional evil laugh makes it seem a bit too oblivious. Then again, he might have some good intentions on why he is doing this. Even so, he is still very suspicious and probably evil.