Last week, Special Week have lost or rather placed third in last week’s major race. Understandably, she is upset. However, the Trainer plans to conduct some special training to fix this.
In summary, Special Week decides to weigh herself and notices that she gained weight. Suzuka notices her reaction and becomes worried about her. To prevent another loss, the Trainer gives his team special training and eventually all the members decides to help her out. Eventually, the Trainer manages to arrange a mock race with Taiki Shuttle. Of course, Suzuka opposes his decision since she is worried about Special injuring herself. Regardless, Special decides to do it.
If you watched the last episode, after the qualifying race, Special put on some weight. As a result, she couldn’t hook her skirt. It’s understandable that one would become embarrassed if one gained weight. It’s not surprising to see her react this way when she weighed herself and screamed while Suzuka witnessed it. This becomes apparent when she refused a treat from the Trainer.
Thankfully, her team members and Suzuka is supportive of her. Trainer on the other hand touches her legs and the girls ended up kicking him. Makes me wonder when he will learn.

As for the training, it seems intense. Special not only have to do a lot of physical exercises, but also dive off the highest diving board. I’s funny to see Special accidentally dive off the board against her will. In short, she slipped and dived into the pool. Either way, it’s nice to see classmates cheered her on for her show of courage.

Of course, training is not going to be enough as Special needs to learn from experience. I can understand why the Trainer wants a mock race. On the other hand, I can sympathize with Suzuka why she is against the idea. It’s because Special might injure herself attempting to win and lose anyway. Still, Special decided to do it anyway and for a good reason. She can learn what to do to win next time.

As for the mock race with Taiki Shuttle, it’s obvious that Special will lose. However, it’s not as bad as you would think since she came very close to winning. She is able to get the rhythm of Taiki’s running and manage to catch up easily. In short, the Trainer’s idea of having a mock race worked well. While the losses are frustrating to the viewers, it allows her to become stronger so she can win next time. With the new challenge from El Condor Pasa, this should motivate Special to work harder.

Still, I have to admit that it’s nice to see Special smile despite losing. Maybe Suzuka will realize that she was running without having fun. It will be interesting to see how she will resolve this in the near future. Also, Haru Urara came back from the trip after losing her debut race. It’s doesn’t come at a surprise since in real life, she never won a single race. Either way, it’s a nice reference.
The “weight stress” thing is not a favorite among idol anime fans but in this show it was handled well last episode. This episode it was kinda filler but not too bad during the first half.
The second half is where things got really good. I do so enjoy the races.
Interested in learning what’s troubling Suzuka.
Gold Ship is currently best horse. She’s hot, looks the closest like a horse girl would in my mind and I like her big mouth.
Yes, the weight thing is silly given that muscles generally weighs more than fat. But yes, the second half is better given that Special finally learns how to run properly to win while having fun. Also, future development of Suzuka should be interesting.
Gold Ship does look attractive in her swimsuit.