Now that Special had her first win in her debut race, her next goal is to become a Triple Crown Horse Girl. Of course, this means winning three races. Sadly, the first one doesn’t quite go so well.
From last time, it’s obvious that Special didn’t know what do to during the concert. Despite winning one more time since the debut race, she still couldb’t do it. It doesn’t help that Vodka, Gold Ship and Daiwa Scarlet embarrassed themselves on stage too after winning. Suzuka is the only one that performed perfectly. It’s bound to happen since the Trainer didn’t do anything about this issue.

I have to admit that having four-horse girls fail to do the winning stage performance properly is embarrassing. The student council president agrees since it can tarnish the academy’s reputation. In short, the Trainer enlists the help from Teio to help the girls perfect their singing and dancing routines. That way, they won’t make a mockery of the academy because of the required, but not so necessary idol concert.
The next day, Special complains about the lack of sleep since she is worried about her next race. That race is Yayoishou, which is the part of the three races to become a Triple Crown Horse Girl. This is where she Seiun Sky who is a desk next to her comes into play. She has a laid-back personality. Without knowing, Special met her next potential rival.
Either way, the track of the next race is 2000 meters with a big hill towards the finish line. The big hill obviously gives Special a huge opportunity to pass everyone while everyone else wear themselves out.
At the preliminary race, Special sees Sky at the gate. After the gates opened, it seems that Special underestimated Sky as she splinted out of the gate quickly. Thankfully, Special passed her as everyone went up the hill and won first place. As expected, her team is happy that she won.

In short, the team is growing nicely. Teio decided to join the team. It seems that she wants to have fun rather than just to win. It’s interesting to see how the student council president allow her to do it. She also makes a promise to run together after she gotten stronger. Aside from that, they even celebrated Special’s win. To me, I think they are celebrating a bit too early. Special just won the qualifiers and not the actual race.

As Special prepares for the next race, the Trainer just left the girls to do their own training. Is this a foreshadowing of what to come? Trainer Hana points this fact out to him that Special will likely to lose. Even so, he doesn’t listen to her advice. He is concentrated in seeing Special win and catching up to Trainer Hana.

The night before the race, Special reveals to Suzuka that her mother wants to come see the race. Apparently, Special doesn’t mind if her mother come if it’s not too expensive for her. Either way, Suzuka finished working on Special’s running shoes for the big race. She hopes that Special will win the next one.

As for the race itself, Special receives a special outfit to wear. Apparently, she ate too much and her skirt didn’t quit fit property. In short, Seiun Sky outsmart Special this time and replicated the same strategy. Special couldn’t catch up. In the end, she only manages to win third place. While this is better than being dead last, it is definitely a big letdown to Special. Even during the evening, Special hides this fact from Suzuka before leaving to vent her anger. Of course, Suzuka saw how her friend venting into the well about losing.

You might be wondering, what Special did wrong? Yes, the Trainer neglected the important aspect of winning, which is properly training his team. To me, Special lost since she became overconfident from winning three times in the row. She thought that she will win the actual race. However, her opponents outsmart her.
Remember, having excessive self-confidence will lead to defeat. This can explain why Special lost this time after her three straight wins. Thankfully, from the Trainer realizing that he needs to train his team, hopefully he will take it seriously next time. As for Special, hopefully she will learn from her mistakes. Then again, her defeat might be from overeating. Maybe it’s not a good idea to over eat a day before the race.
Aside from that, there have been a bit of outrage from some people who said that the Trainer will ruin it all from last week. After watching this episode, I think we are going to be okay.