Summer break is finally here and of course, Tama and Kamuri looks forward to the summer festival.
Now that summer break is here, the girls are excited. However, Hana seems worried that she would become lonely. Thankfully, Eiko reassure her that they have plans to see each other, so she shouldn’t worry. After all, there is the summer festival the girls plan to go. Shion and Hiroe is going as well so that Hiroe can receive some practice interacting with other people.
The next day, Eiko, Kamuri, and Hana visits Tama place where we see Tama’s grandmother couple. This is where Tama introduces her friends and afterwards, go food shopping. Yes, they go to a vegetable stand where Tama buys tomatoes. The old man gives her extra tomatoes.
With that, they eat the tomatoes. It seems that Hana is having trouble trying to eat it without making a mess. Tama suggests sucking the juice and Hana tries it. It’s funny how she had trouble trying that technique. Either way, the girls enjoyed lunch at Tama’s place.
The girls put on their Yukatas. It’s funny how Tama self-depreciate herself because of her flat chest. As always, one of Tama’s grandmother said that Tama is still growing. What is interesting is that Tama’s grandmother apparently knows that Hana is a funny and kind person. As expected, Tama is not amused by this. Meanwhile, Hana’s face melt, which is cute.
With that, the girls went to the festival. Of course, they run into some of their classmates that was still wearing their school uniforms. Meanwhile, it’s funny how Shion misses all the targets while Hiroe hits them all. It makes me wonder if Shion is just bad at these games.
Eventually, the girls run into Kiyose. It’s disappointing that she isn’t in a Yukata. Hopefully someone will make some fan art with her wearing one with Eiko. Still, there is a nice Kiyose and Eiko moment as she taste’s Eiko’s ice cream. Eiko attempts to do an indirect kiss by taking a piece of ice cream off her face and eat it. Instead, Kiyose ate it off Eiko’s finger. As expected, Hana becomes shocked after witnessing it. Yes, this was too much for her.
After making their wishes at the temple, they played with fireworks that Tama won. The girls decided to share their wishes. It’s interesting to see Tama wishing for a lot. Apparently, Hana didn’t make a wish, but gave thanks for being able to become friends with Tama, Eiko, and Kamuri. Shortly after, fireworks start happening, which is the best way to end the summer festival. Either way, Hana seems happy.
Still. It’s funny how Tama and Kamuri brings back a bunch of fireworks. The funny thing is that in reality, they weren’t big at all. Aside from that, it’s a fun episode. With that, it makes me wonder how the finale will turn out next week as the show as it comes to an end.
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