It seems that there are some guests that came to visit the fox girls.
While Yuzu is walking on a beach, she finds a girl lying on the beach. The girl tells her that she got shipwrecked and drifted ashore. Of course, it’s not true. She also lied about finding mermaids and such. It’s apparent that people don’t like her because she lied too much. She lies a lot because she finds reality boring. When she draws in a sand what looks like Yuzu, she mentions that she wants to be an artist. Sadly, she is not confident in herself to pursue it.

Thankfully, Yuzu convinces the girl that her lies are not bad. It seems that Yuzu enjoys the girl’s story and understand how the girl feels. It’s obvious that the girl wants to make her own and other’s life’s interesting. In the end, there are going to be things one has to do in his or her life. This doesn’t mean he or she can’t do interesting things when there is time to do so.

With that, she wants the girl to continue telling stories as there is someone will enjoy it. With that, the girl is convinced to continue living as returns to the real world. When the girl woke up, one of the girl’s friend is happy that the girl is still alive. Either way, it’s a good thing that the girl decides not to commit suicide as it would make everyone, including her family sad.

In the second half, a boy named Kaito appears out of nowhere. He attempts to play with Sakura as he grabbed her tail. This eventually causes Yuzu to become angry after she hears his bragging. As they say, one shouldn’t brag as it could make people loose respect for the person doing it. Thankfully he apologizes before going back to the real world.
In reality, things were looking good for him before he got taken away from his family. This is because they want to put him in a special school to have a better future. Of course, Kaito doesn’t like the fact he can never go back to is former family.
While things look bad for Kaito, a middle-aged man had it worse. Apparently, the middle-aged man had a good life and own a small trucking company. However, he got into an accident that causes him to lose his eyesight. Not only that, he is on bad terms with his daughter. He wanted to stay at the inn since he doesn’t want to face reality. Of course, Kiri mentions that staying at the inn won’t help since he has to face it eventually.
With that in mind, this shows that Kaito have it a lot better than the middle age man. There are always going to be people who are worse off than him. One can’t give up hope even when things are bad. As they say, everything will fall into place eventually. With that, Kaito ultimately accepts reality along with the middle-aged man.

I am quite surprised that Kaito turned out to be a dog and eventually becoming a service animal for the middle-aged man. But this does explain the world Yuzu and the others are in as a world between reality and the afterlife. Either way, at least things are working out for the girl in the first half as she finished the picture book.
Matsumoto was saved by the adorable goddess and was introduced to her future spouse.
How everything came together during the second half was executed excellently! Very well done indeed!
It’s nice how Yuzu manages to solve problems the girls have. After all, suicide is never a good option. But yes, it’s nice to see how the second half turned out.