It’s finally festival time. With that, Yuzu finally experiences her first festival with Satsuki and Sakura.
It’s summer time and Yoimiya Festival. It seems that Yuzu is curious about the festival. It’s obvious that Bikuni never took Yuzu to a festival. Now, Yuzu finally got the chance to go. While Ren and Natsume decides to go to the festival together, it seems that Satsuki doesn’t want to go at first. Thankfully, she changed her mind given that Yuzu and Sakura beg her to go. Given that Satsuki worries about Yuzu and Sakura becoming lost, it’s bound to happen.

With that, the first half focuses on Yuzu going to the festival with Satsuki and Sakura. I find it funny that Sakura went ahead and Yuzu decides to chase after her and become distracted by food. Now, Yuzu is the lost girl as she starts crying when Satsuki and Sakura is behind her. With that, Yuzu decides to hold hands with both Satsuki and Sakura. Of course, Satsuki will become embarrassed, but secretly, she enjoys it.
Sadly, Okiku does not get a chance to go and she is salty about it. It’s obvious that Kiri doesn’t want someone to steal her. It’s not surprising since Okiku now looks adorable and innocent looking thanks to Ren’s makeover.

After having some fun with various festival activities, Yuzu with Satsuki and Sakura decides to do a Bon Dance. Somehow, Yuzu manages to get into the afterlife without realizing. Thankfully, the ghost girl from last episode guides her back to the real world before Yuzu can’t return. I have to admit it’s nice to see the ghost girl again. From the looks of it, Yuzu hopes to see her again.

In the second half, Ren goes with Natsume to the festival. It’s obvious that Ren spent a lot of time preparing for the festival. Sadly, it’s going to waste as Natsume seems more interested in various festival activities such as goldish scooping and playing Taiko drums. With girls fawning over Natsume, it only brings back bad memories of the last festival for Ren when she decided to go home and skip the fireworks. It’s because she lost confidence in herself. She almost decided to go home since her feet hurting and hair starting to become undone.

Thankfully, Natsume realizes Ren’s feelings. She eventually lifts her to check her feet. She eventually lifts her up when the fireworks started. Either way, the festival night festivities for them turn out well in the end as they get closer. Sadly, no confession yet despite the two being more than just friends. Maybe someday it will happen.

As for the treat that Sakura attempt to bring back, it melted. She meant to give it to Kiri. Kiri eventually takes it out and they shared it together. Either way, it’s a fun episode and it’s nice to see more Satsuki and Yuzu as always.
Another great episode. hopefully we’ll get more SatsuYuzu and KiriSaku before show’s end.
It’s only a matter of time before NatsuRen get hitched.
It will happen eventually when Natsume stops being oblivious towards Ren’s feelings for her.