At last, Maika and her friends finally goes to the beach. It’s obvious what this episode is, right?
In the first half, Dino decides to have an informal social gathering. As expected, Mafuyu probably won rock paper scissors against Koyo. With that, she picked a barbecue by a riverside. From the looks of it, it seems that Mafuyu and Maika are enjoying themselves.
As for the others, it seems that Kaho, Miu and Koyo doesn’t like to be outside. It’s not surprising since Kaho is a gamer and Miu and Koyo are Otakus. Ironically, they do not complain at all when they go to the beach in the second half. Still, I find it funny that they bring things to occupy themselves. I have to admit, I am not much of an outdoor person either. It can explain why Koyo wanted to do Karaoke instead

Thankfully, the barbecue ends up being enjoyable as Dino manages to cook delicious food. Still, it’s surprising how Maika shows up with a huge tuna. Of course, Dino have no idea how to cut it. I find it funny how Maika giving him a scary look for cutting the fish wrong. Still, I find it hilarious how Kaho freaking out over Mafuyu drinking alcohol given her child-like appearance.
During the ride home, it seems that Maika wants to go to the beach. She realizes that she does not have any swimsuit beside her school one. Of course, Dino becomes excited and receives a nosebleed while driving. It’s obvious that he wants to try to win Maika’s heart.

While Maika manage to find a swimsuit of her liking, there are some funny moments. Dino tried to ask for suggestions from his coworkers. It’s funny how Kaho, Mafuyu and Miu accuses Dino for sexual harassment. Also, Koyo wonders why Dino even ask him about swimsuits since he is a guy. Also, Dino tries to find ways to solve Maika’s skin burning issue. Of course, the excessive protection defeats the purpose of wearing a swimsuit.

With that, the next day, everyone shows up at the beach. Of course, all the girls look great. Given how endowed Kaho is, it’s funny how Koyo becomes flustered since he never saw real life girls in swimsuits. This is surprising considering that he reads a lot of yuri manga. There should definitely be chapters with girls in swimsuits having fun at a beach. Either way, they have fun on the beach playing in the ocean, throwing beach ball and piling sand on Koyo’s body. Dino attempted to teach Maika how to swim. Of course, Maika manages to have trouble, even in the shallow part.

After a while, it seems that everyone wants shaved ice. Maika goes with Dino to get them. Of course, during the way, Dino notice that Maika have a scratch near one of her ankle. He proceeds to carry her to a ledge, find medical supplies and bandage her up. When they come back, it’s funny seeing Maika excessively bandaged. Thankfully, they managed to reduce the bandage to a simple band-aid.

I have to admit, it’s yet another fun episode. As always, the girls look cute in the swimsuits. Still, I have to admit that I don’t care too much about Dino’s attempt to win Maika’s heart. Given that Maika is still oblivious towards Dino’s romantic feelings for her, I am doubtful that it will become canon. Maybe this is a good thing given the big age difference.