With PECO’s master release coming soon, it seems that Narumi got a bit too overconfident. Let’s say things didn’t went well for her in the end.
With PECO nearing its master release, Nene continues lo debug all the code. Apparently, Narumi rushed her mini-game assignment to impress Umiko and to spite Nene. Of course, Nene finds a lot of defects in Narumi’s code. This makes me wonder if Narumi actually copied and pasted the code for each mini game. There is no way she could complete it this quickly otherwise. Of course, this overconfidence is going to bite her back eventually.

Since Nene can’t concentrate with the tense atmosphere, Umiko allows her to study the code somewhere else. While Nene takes her laptop to the cafeteria, she finds Kou and Momo. From there, she learns from Momo that Narumi’s parents didn’t want her to get into game development. Instead, her parents want Narumi to take over their family business, an inn. Eventually, her parents creates an agreement to allow her to attend vocational school without any financial help. Still, it’s interesting how Aoba decides to join Eagle Jump after high school. Maybe Hotaru has to do something with this?

After Nene learned about Narumi’s situation, there is no wonder why Narumi has a sense of urgency. If Umiko fires Narumi because of this big mistake, she has to go home and take over the family business. This is something that Narumi fears if she messes up badly. Sadly, this almost happened.

Umiko eventually came to pick up Nene for an emergency meeting. As feared, every mini game Narumi completed besides one have serious bugs. It appears that she made a rookie mistake that every new programmer makes. She assumed that if one part of the code is bug free, everything else that is based on the same code is okay. To me, I think she copied and pasted the same code and changed it for each variation. Since the variations of the mini games differ, she might introduce a lot of bugs that wasn’t in the first mini game.
Either way, Narumi should probably know better that rushing and not doing the testing is a bad idea. Because of this, she is in big trouble and also in jeopardy of losing her job. Like in real life, supervisors will only tolerate a percentage of redoing already done assignments before it becomes a problem. It’s not surprising since Narumi rushing to impress people almost endangers the game releasing on time.
Thankfully, Nene is not mean and willing to help Narumi to fix the bugs. Although Nene hates her because of the awful things, she changes her own mind after learning her situation from Momo. With that, they burned the midnight oil and manage to fix all the bugs. Either way, Narumi finally redeems herself now that she becomes friends with Nene.

With that, Umiko decides to bring Narumi on while renewing Nene’s contract. In short, a bad situation turns out well in the end. Hopefully, Narumi learns her lesson to do things right the first time instead of rushing.

Aside from that, we learn the reason why Rin felt worried from last time. While getting tea, she overhears a conversation between Kou and Christina. Christina mentions something about Kou leaving Eagle Jump. With that, Rin fears that her crush might leave the company. However, we do not know if Kou is actually leaving. Then again, maybe Rin will convince Kou not to leave next time. We have to wait and see in the big finale.

In the last half, Kou brings her department to participate in the play testing of PECO. Momo wins the Rock. Paper and Scissors and she ends up playing the game. It seems that Aoba feels satisfied that her own creation is coming to life. Too bad Momo lost against the final boss of the game.
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