With PECO’s development moving along, it seems that Narumi finished the mini game Hajime tasked her with.
At last, Narumi finished the prototype for one of the mini games she is working on. It’s a “green light, red light” mini game where the player sneaks up to a bear that is not looking. Still, it seems that something is missing from Nerumi’s implementation. After Narumi mentions something Hajime finally comes up another design with multiple players. A few days later, she added extra bears. Momo thinks that there is something still missing. The bear that is not peeking is not detecting the other two bears.

While it’s understandable why Narumi feels anxious about not making the deadline, it happens. Something can come up at any moment that can delay a certain task. Maybe someone is having difficulties meeting the deadline. To me, it’s better to push back a deadline and have the task done correctly rather than rush to complete it and have mistakes. Thankfully, the delay didn’t get hold against Narumi and Hazuki approved the final design. I guess things worked out in the end.

Meanwhile, it seems that Nene’s board game is coming along well, except the bugs. In one of the scenes, the ball apparently floating out of the maze while she debugged it. Eventually, she got it working perfectly, except the ball flying out once the ball reaches the goal. She considers it done despite the bug. Eventually, Narumi calls Nene out for the glitches in her game. She said that Nene shouldn’t leave the bugs there and suggests ideas to expand Nene’s board game.

In the end, Umiko looked at it. The easy mode works perfectly without glitches. As for the hard mode, which is extra, it crashes. I guess the random maze generation and various effects is too much for Nene. Thankfully, Umiko gives Nene a pass for meeting the basic requirements. In short, Nene will do debug work and learn from looking at another people’s code. Nene will eventually get there, but at least she is making progress.

In the second part, we finally get the shipping moment we are waiting for. While the other girls head home, Kou finally spends time with Rin. I have to admit that it’s a long time since we saw them together. It’s not surprising since Rin is the assistant producer for this project. Rin eventually reveals that Hazuki considered picking Kou’s art design during the contest, but eventually settled with Aoba’s. She also notices that Kou have changed thanks to working with Aoba to make something great. After all, this wouldn’t be possible without Rin’s advice.

As thanks, Kou gives her a present to Rin for helping out. It’s nice to see Rin’s reaction when she saw a new watch in the box. She seems happy with the new watch. I wonder why it took Kou so long to get around giving it to her. Nevertheless, Rin feels worried about Kou when she saw her staring out the window. Hopefully we’ll find out what is bothering Kou soon.
Been a while since we got a RinKo moment but we did and it was nice. I hope Rin also helps ease Ko’s worries should there be an impending drama, instead of the predictable “Aoba saves the day”. I know she’s the main character but come on, give Rin the spotlight. She’s hardly had any time in the spotlight this season.
Hopefully, it’s not something too serious for Kou. But yes, it’s nice to see Rin get the spotlight. Hopefully we will get to see Hifumi in the same way since she has somewhat less screen time as well.