After Hajime watched a live action show with Yun and her siblings, she runs into her high school friend. I wonder how she will react.

In the beginning of the episode, Yun and Hajime goes an another so-called date while bringing her siblings. It’s surprising to see Hifumi shake one of the actresses’ hands. It’s surprising that she is able to do it without becoming nervous. It shows that her leadership position is helping her get over the shyness.

During the handshake, Hajime runs into her high school friend, Akki. It’s funny how she thinks that Yun’s siblings are Hajime’s children. Apparently, Akki is working for the government, which surprises Hajime. Still, it’s quite apparent that Hajime is hiding her interests from Akki because it’s embarrassing. Because of this, she misses her opportunity to do the handshake.

After Yun comes back, Hajime reveals that she hid her otaku interests during high school. It’s because she wants a normal high school life. She didn’t want her friends to judge her hobbies. Of course, she looks very different while in high school with longer hair and fashionable clothing.

It’s understandable since I didn’t share my hobbies while in high school, mostly because of bullies. Still, Hajime in high school reminds me of Kirino minus the jerkiness and big-brother attraction. The funny thing is that Akki already knew about Hajime’s hobbies. I guess she didn’t have to become self-conscious about her hobbies.

On the other hand, Yun didn’t hide the fact that she is an Otaku in high school. From her high school graduation photo, she wore stereotypical otaku glasses. Apparently, she spent most of her time playing video games since she had no friends. After moving to Tokyo, she started to wear fancy clothing. It’s funny how Hajime say that Yun is not used to dressing fashionably yet. It’s surprising for her to say that when she knows how to dress fashionably, but wear plain clothing. Yun started punching her. Thankfully, Hajime calmed Yun down and even complimented on her looks.

Meanwhile, Umiko finally assigns both Nene and Narumi to do a small assignment. She directs them create a mini-game where the player rolls a ball through a maze to an exit. From there, it feels that Momo and Narumi swapped places. It happened when Narumi reveals they she wanted to become a programmer. She wants to create a game with Momo. She started coding since middle school. It’s impressive, but then again, I started programming when I was in 5th grade.
After Narumi finds out how Nene became interested in programming, their relationship becomes strained. Nene accidentally brags about Umiko helping her get hired.
It’s obvious that Narumi won’t be happy that nepotism exists at Eagle Jump. If only Nene kept her mouth shut, she wouldn’t have created a tense rivalry. Nonetheless, it’s obvious that Nene is serious this time around since she wants to prove that Umiko made the right decision. From this, Nene finally figured out her dream career. It’s not surprising since she wants to be with Umiko forever.

In the last half, Momo is seen topless as she cools herself in front of a fan. Apparently, their apartment lacks air conditioning. This shows that living in the city is tough, especially since they don’t have the money to rent a nicer place. Momo dreams about having meat when they receive their first paycheck. Once the girls finish their dinner, Momo freaks out over a bug. It’s not surprising to see bugs, but I have to admit that they are gross.

In the end, Narumi catches a cold and stays home for the day. Momo goes to work, but her appearance is hilarious. She only puts on a skirt and her shoes while not changing her top. Aoba notices immediately. Momo is still wearing her pajama shirt and forgot to brush and tie up her hair. It’s obvious that she had a rough night. I think she will be fine, somehow.
It was nice seeing Yun and Hajime on a pseudo-date and learning more about each other.
Nenecchi FIGHTO! Show your waifu you deserve that praise!
Tsubame seems to be in the same boat as Hifumi, Yun and Rin.
Yes, it’s nice to see another so called date. The first one in the second season between Yun and Hajime was good.
I think Nene will do fine… I doubt she will lose against Narumi. Besides, Umiko is probably the carrot on the stick.
Right on.
Oh yes. Nene will fight hard for her Umiko-kun’s praise.
She will absolutely will for obvious reasons. Narumi should be surprised when Nene actually makes it.