Compared to previous episodes, this episode is perhaps the darkest yet. It’s because it focuses on the worst part of human history in an alternate setting.
In the first half, it seems that Himeno is noticing video ads that features a Amphibianfolk. The person in the ad is Jean Rousseau. A bunch of French missionaries saved him after he collapsed. Afterwards, he received education. People realizes that he has special intellectual abilities. It’s quite amazing how he buys a failing business and turn it into a successful one.

During his business trips, Jean eventually visits his old village. It seems that his tribe needs gear to defend themselves while relying on god. From their interaction, it seems that they do not view Jean as their own kind because mammals raised him. In other words, they don’t trust mammals at all and want to take back what they took. It’s bound to happen and sadly, he can’t do much to convince them out of it.

Still, it’s nice to see Jean to come to their school. Also, I like how Kyouko, Nozomi and even Tama wore maid outfits. I guess they wanted to give Jean a nice reception. As expected, the tea that Tama bought from his home country tastes bitter.
In the second half, this is where things got dark. In the world that this show takes place, there is a Nazi Germany. As you would expect, they represent the worst parts of human kind with hatred, racism, and discrimination. They invaded a country and murdered a lot of people. However, a winged boy is spared from the execution and sent to a concentration camp with other people. As expected, the conditions are just as terrible as the ones in real life with people working in horrible conditions.

Eventually, a bunch of people beats up probably the only centaur for instigating a fight. The boy tries to stop them, but he gets beaten down. Eventually, the centaur saves him by giving nourishment to survive the next day. He pretends that he is punishing the boy out to cover him. Of course, the other prisoners noticed secretly.

In the end, the Americans come to liberate the camp. Of course, the survivors in the camp hanged the centaur that helped the boy out. Thankfully, one of the American solders protected the boy from their threat of lynching. With that, the boy moved to a different country. He becomes a business man who eventually meets Jean in person.

While the second half is very dark, this explains why the world cracks down hate so harshly. They want to prevent something like this from happening again. Yes, even to extremes to maintain peace and equality for all races. As the demon guy said, no matter how hard humanity tries to eradicate hate, human nature still tends to be judgmental.
I feel this was a necessary episode to show why the laws against racism and discrimination are so serious in this world.
I agree that the second segment will happen. While it’s tough to look at, it does show that discrimination exists, probably more so thanks to different body types between the different species.
Right on dood.