At last, we finally see one of Himeno’s friends from middle school who is also centaur. Her name is Wakamaki Ayaka and she doesn’t seem happy.
As seen in the beginning of the episode, Himeno does Yabusa. It’s basically archery while moving. Apparently, she got Ayaka angry. It’s because she made her lose a competition last year after making funny faces before her turn. I have to admit that Ayaka is definitely 100 percent tsundere. She becomes determined to beat Himeno despite her recent failures.

Thankfully, Kyouko gives Himeno a suggestion to mend her relationship with Ayaka. Yes, Kyouko suggests Himeno to make a bet with Ayaka. During the competition after Himeno finished her round, she made a bet with Ayaka. She said if she loses, she will go out on a date with her. Obviously, Ayaka felt super embarrassed by the idea. Regardless, she manages to pull through and wins.

I have to admit that this is a fun segment. Himeno’s friends even spied on Himeno and Ayaka during their date. Still, I have to admit that Ayaka looks cute with her hair down. Too bad the whole date didn’t get shown. I guess Ayaka and Himeno makes yet another good pairing besides Himeno and Nozomi and Himeno and Shino.

Also, it’s nice to see Shino’s friend, Maki come to the event. It seems that she thinks Quetzalcoatl is a monster. Thankfully, Shino convinced her that Quetzalcoatl is harmless. Still, it’s understandable why Maki feels this way since there aren’t that many Antarcticans in Japan.

In the second segment, it focuses more on world building with the focus on merfolk. Aside from those perverted male teenagers, the merfolk prepares for the festival. It involves a girl named Eri who is the priestess for the festival. She sings to attract the man-dolphins, a messenger from their god, Tagon. However, a false god suddenly appears during Eri’s performance, which scares the man-dolphins away. In short, she has to run away along with the priest, thus interrupting the festival.

From the looks of it, it seems that the false god is one of Antarctican’s experiments with robots. This makes me wonder what are their motives behind this experiment. Either way, this doesn’t stop the rumors of a god sighting. Even so, it’s funny how the class representative, Tama believes that they actually exist. Of course, they need to exist or otherwise, she won’t be able to make money from exorcism.
Hime is a chick magnet. Plain and simple.
Shino having a younger friend who is also adorable was GLORIOUS!
Sue having hidden powers was also delightful to see.
Interested in seeing what other crazy research/experiment the Antarcticans will be up to and what role Suu plays in all this.
I found the mermaid culture stuff interesting.
Oh and despite my disagreeing with the two mermen’s view on breast size I definitely side with their opinion on bikini babes being WONDERFUL!
Definitely agree given that she got Ayaka’s attention. But yes, Shino’s friend is adorable.
While I didn’t mention it, it’s nice that Sue has an imaginary/magical friend. It seems that she is never lonely.
The experiment will probably get mentioned in a future episode. Still, I wonder if Quetzalcoatl has anything to do with it. Maybe or maybe not.