Now that Mahiro finishes the scripts, it time for the girls to make the sets, costumes and props. As for Lion and Nina, they have to practice their parts.
As the festival grows near, it seems that Lion is having trouble reciting her parts. It seems that Lion tries acting using a funny voice. With that, she has to step out to practice alone. With that, Nina offers to practice together. Of course, she still uses funny voices instead. She supposed to put herself in the role instead of pretending to be someone else. Even so, she still freezes up. Thankfully, Mahiro solves this problem by having Lion transform as Rosa while acting.

The interesting aspect of this episode is the flashback. From the looks of it, it seems that Lion plays with a stuffed bear. It’s quite obvious that she is lonely since she doesn’t have friends to play with. This can explain why she wanted to leave home to attend the academy Remembering this memory allowed her to read one of the lines well. Nina complimented her performance.
Overall, the play was interesting as it focuses on a village where the water supply has dried up. The villagers blame a witch. Nina meets Lion after hearing the song. Eventually, Lion saves the village through the use of her magic. While the villagers blame the witch, Nina said it’s her friend. In short, the moral of the story is that humans and foreigners can live together.

Sadly, Lion had a mishap as she loses her transformation while performing. Thankfully, thanks to Nina, Lion manages to pick up where she left off. Of course, the audience enjoyed their performance, especially Lion’s parents. Veronica, who is the bureau chief even complements Nina. Even so, she still intends Nina to finish her studies until she graduates. Sure, Nina is disappointed, but It’s for the best.

As for the Miss Pirari Academy contest, Yuko obviously won. Maybe it’s because Mikuki’s magic. Even so, she is happy that her crush won. Sure, Lion’s father felt disappointed that Lion didn’t win. Only if his wife didn’t come in and rain on his parade, the contest’s end result would differ.
That was a fun play. Heard the message contradicts something that happened in the main show. I’ll see for myself when able. Point is I liked the play.
I guess some peeps are strongly shipping Yayoi X Mahiro. Don’t see it yet but I won’t question it if it does happen. Yayoi is best girl and Mahiro is lots of fun.
I imagine the seriousness will kick off soon.
I agree, the play is definitely the very enjoyable part of the episode. Glad it turned out well despite the misheap.
Not so sure about Yayoi and Mahiro, although it might happen since they are childhood friends after all.