At last, it seems that Eagle Jump is getting some new hires. Aoba sees a familiar face while she and Umiko conducts an interview. Who is it?
I have to admit that seeing Aoba’s reaction when she saw Nene is hilarious. Nobody expected Nene to apply for a job at Eagle Jump again. I guess Nene is interested in programming and game development after finding out there is no debugging jobs. From creating her own game, she finds out how much fun programming is.

In short, it seems that the interview is more of a personality test. It’s obvious since the company already decided to hire her. Then again, it’s probably thanks to Umiko’s recommendation. Of course, Nene has to prove her worthiness in three months in order to become a permanent employee. In other words, she has to do training and complete odd tasks. Given her determination and how much she learned in a short period of time, she can do it. With that, this makes me wonder if she will go for a degree in computer science after this.

As for Christina, she drinks her sorrows away with Hazuki at a bar. She is apparently worried that the character design team now hates her for what happened last time. The next day, Hazuki gives her a good luck charm. Aside from attracting Mozuku thanks to the catnip, she is able to resolve her differences with the team.

Also, we learn that Christina is half-French and half-Japanese and her reason for moving to Japan. Apparently, she loves Japanese video games. Either way, it seems that Hazuki’s good luck charm done the trick. Still, it’s cute that she kisses Mozuku. She probably got that idea after Aoba mentions that French people greet people by kissing.
In the second half, it looks like Eagle Jump hired two interns. While Hajime felt down that her co-workers might abandon her, Hifumi decides to move. It’s not surprising since she is the team leader after all. While Aoba feels sorry for Hifumi that she won’t be next to her, she shouldn’t worry. Hifumi will always check on the girls, so she won’t become lonely at all.

Either way, the new interns finally come the next day. They are Narumi Tsubame and Mochizuki Momiji. They will work in programming and character design respectively. It’s funny how Momiji came to the company for the same reason Aoba did. Kou’s character designs inspire Momiji. However, she doesn’t realize that Aoba did the character designs for Peco. Still, it’s funny how she thinks that designs hanged up in Aoba’s cubicle is Kou’s.

Things get funnier when Kou reveals that Aoba is Peco’s main character designer. I guess that Aoba’s accomplishments surprised Momiji. It surprised her so much that she forgot Aoba’s family name and believe that it is Suzumiya. This makes me wonder how she came up with that or if it’s a shout out to Suzumiya Haruhi. Either way, Momiji becomes super embarrassed when Aoba corrects her after saying the wrong family name.
Either way, things are off to a shaky start between Aoba and Momiji. This makes me wonder how Aoba will mentor her. We’ll see since there is a good chance that Momiji will loosen up.
The interview more than made up not seeing a scene of Nene showing her finished game to Umiko-kun. It was wonderful. NeneUmi is love.
Christina’s not a bad person.
I look forward to more from Tsubame and Momo after their most interesting debut.
Oh and Yun and Hifumi’s reactions when the possibility of having to move or their respective love interests moving were wonderful.
It’s obvious that Nene won’t act the same like she did in the first season while working. But I guess Umiko is convinced enough thanks to helping Nene out with her game. Then again, it’s probably Nene is rubbing onto her.
I agree that Christina is not bad. It’s becomes obvious that she wanted to fight a business decision, but couldn’t. Thankfully, the girls made up with her.
Looking forward to seeing more of Momo after her funny debut. Wonder how Tsubame react when she sees Nene and learns how she got hired.
In more ways than one.
Yup. All is well in the workplace.
Their meeting will be interesting.