While Yuko doesn’t have an idea what she wants to do in the future, Mizuki tries to win her heart.
In the past, Mizuki had bad luck trying to win Yuko’s heart. It seems that she won’t recognize Mizuki’s feelings. As seen with Yuko not going to Mizuki’s dates, it seems Lion and her friends take her attention away. It’s not surprising to see Mizuki keep going since Yuko is her childhood friend. This time, she decides to spy on her with binoculars to come up with plan to get her to notice.

Although Yuko didn’t notice at first, eventually she almost did after she looks at the trees. Thankfully, she didn’t catch Mizuki spying on her, especially after receiving a phone call from Lion. Sadly, Mizuki’s ladder fell and she ends up falling from the tree. Of course, her friends noticed that she fell off a tree given her dirty appearance.
Aside from Mizuki’s efforts, Yuko becomes worried about her future plans. She has no idea what she wants to do as her career despite her excellent grades. She is not even sure about joining the ALCA despite the teacher seeing great potential in her. On the other hand, Mizuki already planned her own future. She wants to join the ALCA to make sure humanity doesn’t end up destroying themselves.

Mizuki eventually notices Yuko’s worries. She comes to play with fireworks to cheer her up. While Yuko doesn’t have confidence in her powers, Mizuki thinks differently. She thinks her powers are amazing. With that, she invites her to the bon dance competition. That is when Lion comes and interrupts her. This shows that Mizuki just have terrible luck.
Now that the girls decided on entering the bon dance competition, Yayoi pushes the Mahiro, Karen and Karin to finish their homework. As they say, it’s best not to leave homework at the last minute. Thankfully, they completed it so everyone can go to the festival.
When It comes to the competition, Yayoi notices the metal disappeared and she saw the culprit. A bird stole it. It’s quite obvious that Mizuki done this to get Yuko’s attention.

Thankfully, Nina managed to retrieve it from a bird’s nest. After hearing that Lion not wearing any underwear, Mizuki had a nosebleed and fell from the tree. I have to admit that Nina’s reactions to this is hilarious. She blushes as Lion climbs the tree.

In the end, Yuko spends time with Mizuki as she recovers. She reveals her dream. She wants to look after Lion and her friends as long as possible. It’s because their smiles make her happy. It’s understandable, but it’s bad for Mizuki as she will never get time to be with Yuko. Hopefully she will win her heart before graduation.
Poor Mizuki. At least she isn’t in love with an idiot, just has bad luck. Hopefully she’ll be victorious before graduation.
Nina X Lion are definitely making progress though.
Yep, hopefully Mizuki will gain some more luck in her favor. But yes, it:s nice that Nina and Lion is making progress.