It seems that Hajime is slacking off during work. I wonder what she is doing?
As expected, Hajime spends time in the bathroom instead of doing work and it’s for a good reason. Apparently, there is a final live show for Mahou Shoujo Moon Ranger. She absolutely needs to get these tickets. Like with anything popular, everyone tries to buy them at the same time, thus causing the site to crash.

After the site went back online, she is met with disappointment. The ticket sells out. After Yun came in into the bathroom, she saw her disappointment. Now, Hajime has to work through lunch for the time she wasted. The funny thing is that Hifumi witnessed Hajime’s reaction. She felt bad for her that tries to offer her ticket. Hajime turns it down since she wants her to see it since it’s once in a lifetime chance.

Thankfully, Yun happens to have an extra ticket for an afternoon performance since her father is not interested. As expected, Hajime hugs her saying she loves her. Yep, Yun blushed red, but of course this is not the only instance. Hajime declares her love towards Yun after attending the concert with her and her siblings. Either way, there is a lot cute moments with Yun and Hajime.

Of course, Hajime and Yun is not the only one that attended. Hifumi went to see it with fan gear and glow sticks ready for the evening performance. When Aoba and Nene ran into her, Hifumi becomes surprised. It’s quite obvious that Nene will attend and invite Aoba too since they saw the movie. At least they witness Hifumi having fun at the concert.

The next day, Hifumi comes over to Kou’s desk, Kou sees her and smiled. This startles Hifumi, which makes Kou wonder why Hifumi is smiling. She asks her over text chat about her smile. Kou eventually comes to her desk and they complemented each other. Without knowing, Rin becomes upset. She thought that Kou has a romantic interest in Hifumi.
Thankfully, Hifumi begins to notice how dense Kou is for not recognizing Rin’s feelings. When Kou asks her about making meat and potato stew again, Hifumi pretends that she lost the recipe. Then, she goes ahead and send the recipe to Rin. Thankfully, she defused the conflict from getting any worse. Hopefully someday, Kou will recognize Rin’s feelings.
After Aoba imagined the game’s trailer in a twisted way, Kou reminds her of the deadline. The deadline for the prototype is coming. This worries Aoba since the producer might reject it. Thankfully, it works out in the end since the producer accepts it. This should give a sigh of relief to everyone. Now, they can start working on the alpha version.

Meanwhile, Hazuki and Kou met with Hifumi. They ask if Hifumi wants to become the character design team leader. It’s obvious that Hifumi has a lot of potential, but she still hasn’t overcome her shyness yet. She still afraid that she will let the whole team down.
Thankfully, Kou shares her experiences of second-guessing herself and even at one time, stepping down her position as art director. Since her current team has faith in her, she wants Hifumi to do the same. Hopefully, Hifumi will overcome her shyness as she becomes team leader. She doesn’t have to worry since her friends, especially Aoba will support her along the way.
Hifumi’s a great choice as leader. Hopefully she along with her colleagues will do their best.
As I have told many on my blog, the show is no longer about super ships but about “lesbians having a hard time confessing to their crushes”, which is awesome!
I think Hifumi is fine. After all, her friends are there to support her, especially Aoba.
It’s only a matter of time until Kou recognizes Rin’s feelings. But still, it’s nice that Hajime and Yun is getting somewhere.
Hang in there Rin.
Yun also needs to be patient with Hajime.
Hifumi, an in-anime character acknowledging a Kou X Rin? This is as canon as it can possibly get.
It’s not so surprising since Rin is very close to Kou and there are several instances with them being together in the first season. I guess Hifumi realizing Kou’s obviousness to Rin’s romantic feelings is bound to happen.