Now that the girls learned about what happened to the festival, they want to revive it. Will they find the treasures?
After the girls find out what happened between Kadota and Chitose, Yoshino wishes to revive the festival. In order to do that, the girls need to find the treasures. Making them is out of the question. They eventually ask the professor, Suzuhara that lives in Warabiya.
As you would expect, he is giving the girls a run around. It’s probably because he thinks the girls is playing a town revival game. Yoshino explains that she wants to use the festival to make Manoyama a place people want to return to. With that, he had the girls go on a wild goose hunt to find the treasures. It’s quite obvious that he has the treasures, but he wants the girls to earn them. Even after looking in the storage, the girls didn’t find anything. However, Sanae has an idea after seeing the senior citizens owning tablet computers.
On the way back, the girls see Takamizawa talking to a bunch of senior citizens. It was about the bus line’s removal to Warabiya. They eventually met with them at the village. The girls suggest ideas to solve the bus problem. It seems that having more efficient, smaller or even self-driving busses won’t work. Sanae’s proposal of moving the senior citizens to Manoyama caused them to become angry.
However, Sanae eventually comes up with a great idea. Since senior citizens received tablet computers that look like iPads from the government, it’s a no brainer. Sanae and the girls simply taught them how to use the tablet computer. From this, the girls can find out the whereabouts of the treasures.
In short, the senior citizens can leverage the power of the internet to communicate with each other and look up new information. Now, they can access a wealth of information, including cat videos and dank internet memes. Of course, this leads to one perverted man to look at naughty stuff on the internet. As expected, he doesn’t know how to delete browsing history or use private browsing.
While the senior citizens with the girl’s help create videos and streams online, there is a dark side. It seems that some senior citizens in the village learned how to internet troll behind a username. After the girls came to the village, a bunch of senior-citizen men got into a confrontation. It seems that things can take a turn for the worse thanks to anonymity. Thankfully, the girls defused future confrontations by requiring the site to show the person’s real name. This should deter them from trolling each other.
In the end, Suzuhara took Yoshino hostage to appear in an internet video. The senior citizens are using the power of the internet to protest against the bus line removal. When the girls saw the video, they finally know what happened. Will the girls be able to save Yoshino? Although this is obviously lighthearted, we’ll find out soon enough.
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