At last, Shino, Himeno’s cousin finally shows up. As expected, there is a lot of adorable moments in this episode.
Finally, Shino, who is Himeno’s cousin finally appears. She is adorable and she looks up to Himeno a lot. It makes me wonder if Shino will become just as beautiful as Himeno when she grows up.

Since it’s hot, Himeno takes Shino out to buy ice cream. They eventually ran into Tama and her kitten girl triplets, Chiho, Chinami and Chigusa. One of the girls tried kissed Himeno on the cheeks. Thankfully, Shino stopped them. It seems that they got a funny definition of kissing since their older sister kiss them at every possible moment.

It’s funny seeing Inukai and Akechi show up. They kissed in front of the children, causing the kitten girls to get strange ideas about kissing. Later on, the kitten triplets try to kiss Shino as she runs away. I wonder why Akechi thought it’s a good idea to show two girls kissing in front of young girls. They won’t understand the true meaning of kissing until they get older. Thankfully, Tama hits Akechi for doing it, especially when she attempts to kiss Shino. That is just wrong.

As for the second half, Tama leaves Chiho, Chinami, and Chigusa look after Sue and the house. This can explain why Tama needs to go home early and can’t hold debates during her meetings. Of course, they don’t do that job well since they invited their friends and took Sue out to play. While the girls play hide and seek, Sue collapses from being outside too long.

One of the girls notice and they decided to play inside. From there, a girl decides to play with her. Surprisingly, it’s one of the girls that neither Chiho, Chinami, and Chigusa invited. The girl who played with Sue is a spirit that gives a child good luck. Either way, it looks like she has a good future ahead for her.

The children’s cuteness was nothing short of lethal. The wait for their debut was worth it. Shino is boss!
Love how casually homosexuality is treated. The children learned just enough about it without being overwhelmed with information best saved for when they’re older.
Poor President Angel has it rough. She’s doing her best for her family but as we can see it’s not exactly doing herself any favors.
Did I already mention how adorable the children are?
Oh and the political magical girl show is hilarious. The undertones of the sensitive subjects throughout the show are apparent but it’s cool that they’re kept to a casual level. It serves its purpose of being “editorial bait” and establishing the show’s setting.
Yes, the children in this show is too adorable. But yes, hopefully Shino will grow up to become just as beautiful as Himeno. But yes, Shino is really cute.
I agree that Tama had it tough. It’s obvious she had to take the role as a mother given that their mother passed away. It’s tough, especially since she has other activities such as student council meetings and such. Once should give her credit how she is able to do this while looking after the children.
Yes, the magical girl segment is hilarious. As they say, autocracy (fake democracy) will get defeated, thus defeating the rigged voting for dodgeball.
I expect great things from Shino, yes sirree.
It’s tough helping take care of a large family like that and focusing on other duties as well.