While Lion is in class, it seems that there is a special visitor coming by rocket. It definitely scares people with a rocket heading to the school.
At the beginning of the episode, I wonder if the jet will attack the school since they deployed a rocket. Of course, the rocket scares the students in the school and sets off the anti-missile system. Sadly, it is not enough, so Kagura took out a rocket launcher to shoot the rocket down. Even that is not enough, so she has to take out a Stinger to fight him directly. She managed to damage the man’s helmet, until Lion becomes upset. It becomes obvious who it is. Still, I have to admit it’s a pretty cool fight.

From the last two episodes, Lion mentioned that she had to sneak out to attend the academy since her father didn’t allow her. It becomes obvious why. Her father, Strafansky Yelistratova obsesses over her daughter. It’s not so surprising since he went out his way to see his daughter. He even named his country after his daughter.
There is no wonder why Lion wants to run away. She couldn’t stand his overprotective and obsessive personality. She feels annoyed, even with the school principal, vice principal and two teachers talk to him. This makes me wonder if there is such thing as a daughter complex just like a sister or brother complex.

Believe it or not, it seems that Lion’s friends, even Nina is listening in on the conversation. That is until Lion caught them red-handed. Still, it’s hilarious when Yayoi tells Lion’s father in his face that nobody wants a father that is clingy. While it’s hilarious when she says that, she is correct. This can explain why the principal rejects Lion’s father’s request, aside from that he can’t live in her dorm room. It makes sense since it’s an all-girls dorm.

To Lion’s dismay, the principal allows her father to stay for one day. As expected, Lion has to deal with his embarrassing behavior. It was too much when she participated in a mock battle with Mahiro, while Nina faces Yayoi. Lion’s father distracts Lion while she fights and chaos ensues. She used her powers to wrap Nina, Yayoi and Mahiro with vines. Mahiro manages to fire off the rocket while wrapped around. In short, an accident happened, thus sending the rocket and the girls to a mountain.

While the teachers try to locate the girls, Lion’s father tries to find his daughter. With that, while the girls are stuck on a mountain, Nina is obsessed with a bear cub. It’s funny how a bear eventually comes and chases after them. It’s obvious that it doesn’t like Nina taking the bear’s cub. Of course, Mahiro tries to use a device to stop the bear, but it triggers an avalanche instead.
In short, Lion uses her powers to try to signal for help. Lion’s father eventually comes to save the girls from the bear. When the bear got its cub back, Lion changes her mind about her father. Thankfully, her father finally accepts that her daughter can live by herself with the help of her friends. Hopefully, Lion doesn’t have to worry about her father coming back to observe her like a hawk. Still, I wonder about Lion’s mother and how she is like. I won’t be surprised if she becomes annoyed over her husband’s obsession of his daughter.
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