With the movie production complete, Yoshino comes up with another idea to attract more tourism. This time, it involves food.
Yoshino and her friends decides to help Shiori’s family out with the farm. While eating lunch at Shiori’s place, she reveals that they are coming up with a special dish. We find out what dish ideas the girls came up with.

As expected, Sanae’s, Riri’s, Maki’s and Yoshino’s dishes contains no ingredients from Manoyama. Not so surprisingly, Shiori’s dish came out on top despite the girls thinking it’s boring. Either way, they go back to the drawing board.
With that, Shiori’s family decide to go to a place Sayuri saw on a flyer. Kumano, who is the owner of the restaurants knows Sayuri since they attend the same high school. Shiori and her friends catch some fish when Riri spots Kumano. Yoshino asks for some advice and he is willing to provide a list of seasonal local ingredients in Manoyama.

While walking with Kumano, Shiori talks to him. This gives Sanae and Maki an idea that Shiori is into him. It. The funny thing is that Sanae and Maki was talking about it while shopping for ingredients. There is no wonder her father wants to talk to Shiori about doing her own thing instead worrying about the farm. Still, I highly doubt that Shiori has intimate feelings for Kumano.
Aside from that, it’s nice that her father talked about change with Shiori. It made Shiori realize that she is not aware of anything around her. It’s not surprising given that a few episodes back, she is unwilling to let the director burn down a certain house. Eventually, she had to let them burn it down.
Despite Kumano’s help, it seems that the new dishes are unimpressive except for Shiori’s. However, Yoshino have more problems on her hands. Riri’s mom stormed into the travel agency building over Yoshino not telling them. The dates conflicted with another event. When Yoshino and her friends went in front of the board, they apologized. However, Kodota’s plans to make a sweet bun without using ingredients from Manoyama. In other words, this got Riri’s mom and Kodota in a heated argument. This caused Yoshino wanting to quit the special food presentation.

Thankfully, Shiori convinces Yoshino not to give up on the special presentation and decide to lead that project. Does this mean that Shiori is willing to change from her old ways to acquaint herself to the people of Manoyama? This should be interesting.
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