Now that a strange creature captures Chiya, will she be able to escape to pass the exam?
Last time, a strange force drags Chiya down to a different dimension of some sort. It appears that a strange shadow creature captured Chiya because she is a child of a traitor. We find out that the name of Chiya’s mom is Yami, which could mean darkness in Japanese. Her mom is still hiding somewhere in the city, which is something we already know. Still, we do not know what Yami did to make the dark creature angry.

While Chiya feels that she is a goner, she remembers when Kon performed Kukkuri for the first time. Then, Chiya recalls the name Kurou, who is a black fox creature that saves her from the shadows. I have to admit that it was funny to see Kurou trying to eat Chiya. From there, she was able to find her own divination technique that allows to sight see. As expected, her friends are right that Chiya doesn’t need any tools. Chiya only needed to use her instincts.

In other words, she uses her new skills to find her friends. Sadly, time is running out and the girls need to find a way out. Thanks to Chiya’s new powers, she found the exit easily.

While the girls try to figure out who should put the key in, time is almost up. In short, the girls put the key in for their symbolic passing the first exam. Afterwards, everyone cheered after Chiya’s team made it out. As expected Nono and Nina embraces Koume as they cried.

In the end, it’s nice for Nina to run Saku while she cried, it’s obvious how close they are. With that, it appears that the girls take a break at a hot spring in the next and final episode. This should be fun.
The mystery behind Kurou grew after this episode. Yami is definitely no ordinary urara.
Miss Nina and Captain Saku will eventually realize they are destined to become one.
This makes me wonder about this since Chiya can’t summon Kurou again. Makes me wonder if it’s her mom’s doing.
Either way, at this point, Nina and Saku should become an official pairing.