It seems that one of Tohru’s friends is looking for her. Believe It or not, she is adorable.
From last time, it seems that Tohru is getting used to human society. It seems that the shop keepers like having her around as Kobayashi goes to a shopping district. It’s surprising that she gets along with humans even if she looks down at humans. She even managed to stop a thief who stole a woman’s bag, which is amazing. Thankfully, nobody found out about her being a dragon. Of course, they held hands while going back home.

Aside from that, it seems that another dragon girl that comes to Kobayashi’s apartment. This time, a little girl named Kanna Kamui came by Kobayashi’s house. I have to admit that it’s funny how she accused Kobayashi for seducing Tohru and calling Kobayashi a slut. It’s quite surprising how a little girl call her such vulgar things. Of course, when Tohru came in and of course, accuses Kobayashi for cheating on her, which is hilarious. It’s quite obvious that she has a strong attachment towards Tohru.

Either way, Kanna learned what happened to Tohru. Kobayashi allows her to stay since Kanna can’t return home as a result of playing a prank. I guess their world is harsh when it comes to those things. Either way, it seems that Kobayashi’s harem keeps on growing, although it’s obvious that Tohru won’t let go of her.

Aside from that, Kana and Tohru have fun exploring the human world and playing. At least they won’t learn the nasty aspects of society such as Brexit and America electing Donald Trump. They will probably look down at us humans and perhaps laugh at us. Either way, it’s nice to see Kanna being part of the harem and it looks like there is another coming next time. This should be exciting.
Kanna is totes adorbs. Her being voiced by Stella no Mahou’s Tama-chan also helped.
Tohru would make a great wife and mother for her and Kobayashi’s children in the future.
I won’t be surprised given how many dragon girls Kobayashi is letting them stay.