After salvation occurred, Kotarou finds himself in a world with just himself and the Key. How will he get her to notice him?
If you remember from the last season, it seems that salvation causes the world to end. We see Kotori wanting to kill the Key before she ends up appearing on earth. She wants to kill her so Kotarou won’t disappear. While Kotarou wants her to prove it by protecting the key together, it seems that Shizuru already did what Kotori intended to do. But from this scene, we now know that Kotarou is not actually a human.

The rest of the episode focused on Kotarou trying to get in touch with Kagari. While it’s nice to see fragments of memories with each girl. This includes his date with Chihaya and two Lucias giving Kotarou a wash. That is aside the point as Kotarou got killed several times when he attempted to get near Kagari. While I felt sorry for him, I can’t help to laugh at his attempts since it’s so comedic. Thankfully, Kotarou gets another change since Kagari rewrites the world each time.

Aside from that, it nice to see that Kotarou was able to contact Kagari after so many attempts. Yep, it seems that coffee did the trick to allow Kotarou to get close to her. It seems that despite what happens it seems that it’s easy to persuade Kagari. Still, Kotarou’s past is still a mystery and it’s obvious that he isn’t human. Perhaps the second half will share more light on his past.
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