As Ripple avenges Top Speed’s death by fighting Swim Swim, Koyuki finds out the truth about Fav’s operations.

First off, let’s focus on the battle between Swim Swim and Ripple. I thought that Ripple would have a hard time. Despite losing her left eye and an arm, she managed to pull it off. She eventually launched a surprise attack and exploited Swim Swim’s weakness before killing her off. While Ripple’s actions are not moral, at least she will give the justice Swim Swim deserved for killing Top Speed.

Meanwhile, Koyuki finally learns the truth about the whole Magical Girl Raising Project. The battle royal is actually a test that Cranberry and Fav came up with. While Fav is evil, I have to admit that he is clever for using mobage to recruit magical girls. It just goes to show that Kai was right and mobage is crap. It’s because the Magical Girl Raising Project actively recruited innocent girls into a deadly battle royal through their mobile games. You thought that micro transactions and endless grinding was bad, think again!
With Koyuki smashing her own terminal device and refusing to go along with Fav’s plan, we finally see the Fav’s demise. It seems that Koyuki found out Fav’s weakness through her powers. Sadly, she couldn’t destroy the master device until Fav managed to anger Ripple. Yes, Fav managed to insult Top Speed.

Thanks to Koyuki’s Rabbit’s Foot, Ripple came back to life to finish Fav off. It’s satisfying to see Fav beg for his life before Ripple destroyed the master device containing Fav. Sure, it costed the lives of 14 magical girls, but they finally vanquished the evil mascot.

After the incident, Koyuki ran away from home to kill off rouge magical girls for six months. Eventually, she returns to see Ripple as they had a mock fight. It seems that Snow White has a new friend in achieving her goal of wiping all the rogue magical girls from existence.
Final Thoughts
I have to say the idea of a battle royal and magical girls was interesting. It shows the dark side of human nature when humans receive magical powers. In addition, it challenged people’s ideals, especially with Sister’s Nana’s trying to stop other girls from killing each other. The one who is especially affected by this is Koyuki. She believes that magical girls can do good. In reality, it’s not the case.
As a whole, the show was interesting since the plot is unpredictable, unless you read the source material beforehand. The viewers didn’t know who will get killed off until it actually happened. This is probably why I became upset when my favorite magical girl gets killed off. With that, this show will not be for everyone who expects a light and fluffy magical girl show.