Oh no, it seems that Tama caught a cold. I wonder why…
I have to admit that it was hysterical that Shiina ran to Ayane’s house saying that Tama fainted. Shiina said the reason was because Tama looked at too much manga geared towards men. In reality, the reason was simple. Tama is sick because of the changing weather. Also, it seems that she was looking for more examples from looking at those mangas. Still, I bet Shiina said that so she can get Ayane to tag along. I have to admit that it’s nice to see them keep Tama company while she recovers.

On the other hand, it seems that Ayane forgot to file a position for Comiket. It’s obvious that she was hiding something given how quiet she is. She didn’t tell Shina until the next day. I have to say that her reaction after hearing the bad news was hilarious. Thankfully, Ayane had a backup plan with one caveat: they have to finish the game in six days. Yep, the girls have to pull an all-nighter.
While Shiina looks annoyed and piled all the work on Ayane as punishment, it seems that the girls are in a tight position. It’s nice to see Shiina being crazy prepared with food while Tama brought a photo with her father in it. It’s also amusing to see Tama and Kayo requesting to do some things over to Shiina and Ayane complaining about flat design. I have to admit that I am not a big fan of flat design, especially when Microsoft does it.

However, the girls panicked when Kayo became non-responsive online. The girls thought that Kayo had enough and gave up under the pressure. It seems as if Ayane and Shiina don’t have much faith in Kayo, which is sad. Thankfully, Kayo pulled though in time as she sent the files after Tama became depressed about that taught.

I am glad that the girls complete the game done on time. Still, it’s interesting to see why they name the game Stella no Mahou. Aside from the heroine’s name, Shiina decided on that name because of the role sharing in creating the game. The meaning makes sense given that each girl worked on each aspect of the game, which forms a star. I have to admit that it’s a cute name. The question remains, will their game become a success. We’ll find out next time.