After Kumiko found out from Yuko and Asuka the reason why they don’t want Nozomi to rejoin, Mizore oboe sounds a bit off. It becomes obvious why.
It’s already apparent that Mizore is acting strangely. Aside from her saying she will throw up from listening to Nozomi’s flute, it’s clear that she is avoiding her. This became apparent when Kumiko asked Asuka and Yuko doesn’t want Nozomi want to rejoin since it would affect Mizore’s performance. Apparently, Mizore can’t stand seeing her.

After watching the last episode, you wonder why she feels this way? Don’t you find it odd that Nozomi no longer talks to Mizore? Now, Nozomi wants to check her out after hearing that Mizore is not playing her oboe like she used to. After Kumiko heard that Nozomi will check Mizore out, she panicked. After Nozomi came up to Mizore, she became upset and ran away. From the looks of it, it seems that things got worse when Nozomi came up to Mizore. Then again, Kumiko might finally find out the reason why Nozomi’s presence upsets Nozomi.

After Yuko went around the school looking for Mizore, Kumiko found her. From the looks of it, the reason Mizore doesn’t want to see Nozomi is not because she hates her. She is afraid of seeing her again. Nozomi is her only best friend since Mizore is not good at making friends. When Mizore heard that Nozomi quit the bass band club without her telling, she became upset. She joined the band because Nozomi invited her. In other words, Mizore was playing the oboe for Nozomi. As a result, she is afraid of being rejected by Nozomi for just only being one of her many friends.

Thankfully, Yuko came to knock some sense into Mizore. It seems that she had enough of Mizore’s pity act that she had to do something. It was enough for Mizore to regain the courage to make up with Nozomi. Apparently, Nozomi assumed that she didn’t have to tell Mizore the reason. She honestly thought that Mizore would quit with her. Apparently it didn’t happen, thus causing a big misunderstanding.
Thankfully, Nozomi cleared up the misunderstanding and Mizore smiled again. Now that is resolved, the band members can focus on the upcoming competition. Still, I liked how Reina plays music for herself instead of someone else. I guess she was right all along since Nozomi simply ran away, thus causing Mizore to play music without feeling. This becomes apparent that Mizore was playing the oboe for Nozomi, not for herself despite the band winning the preliminaries.

Aside from that, it’s nice to see Yuko and Natsuki teasing each other again towards the end. It seems that pairing lives on.