Nobody saw this coming, but the end of the world has happened.
Believe it or not, they choose the worst ending possible. I would have thought that at least there will be a happy ending, but I guessed wrong. Sakura had her way and basically caused the world to end. In short, Esaka attacked Kotarou when he saw Kagari. Shizuru came to stop and fight him, but it was already too late. Kotarou used too much of his powers that he was turning into a plant person. I would have thought that he will heed Sakuya’s warning, but I guess not.
You know what this means, right? Yep, it’s the bad ending since Guardian couldn’t take out Kagari. Salvation essentially happened with everyone disappearing from Earth thanks to Kagari’s decision. In short, Sakura basically got everything she wants. This upsets Kotarou given that if he had more time, he could have stop it. In short, the world effectively came to an end. Will he have better luck next time in the other possible endings? We’ll see in the next season.
Final Impressions
I have to say that the show felt like the glass was half-empty. Sure, there were interesting and funny moments (such as Lucia punching Kotarou and Shizuru’s cuteness), it felt somewhat rushed. Not only that, Chihaya and Akane didn’t get much development. I suppose they will get developed more in the second season. As for Sakuya, I don’t care about him too much compared to the other characters.
Considering that the second season will air next winter, I may as well hold off on sharing my overall thoughts. As it stands, the first season of Rewrite does kind of make Charlotte look a bit better in comparison despite its flaws. The pacing could have been better, but hopefully it will improve in the sequel.
I think Rewrite falls into the same problem most VN-based anime did-that it tried to cram all routes in one season, and streamlined them in one consecutive storyline (rather than branching storylines from the VN). With one as plot-heavy as Rewrite, that’s going to take quite a challenge to do it decently, and as you would have expected, it didn’t end well, lol.
I finished the VN and judging from the order, I expect them to adapt the Moon and Terra routes, which are more Kotarou-focused than anything.
I do agree considering that they only covered only two of the girls’ arcs. Even so, previous adaptations of Key visual novels weren’t as bad. Then again, it’s not as plot heavy considering that Rewrite from what I have heard had a lot of mystery and such. If so, I think more episodes would benefited.
But I am guessing that Moon and Terra arc will be the focus of the second season. Aside from that, maybe one day I will play through the visual novel in its entirety.