Now that Illya used Saber’s Noble Phantasm, will she be able to eliminate the failed heroic sprits.
From the looks of it, it seems that Illya managed to defeat the horde of heroic sprits. Sadly, it’s not enough to get rid of all of them. The Grail keeps regenerating them no matter what because of the dark matter.

Thankfully, Tanaka woke up and transformed one of her arms into a sword. With that sword, Illya uses it to strike the source where the heroic spirits came from. Yep, she thwarted Julian’s plan. In short, he escaped along with Erica and Beatrice, thus abandoning Angelica. In other words, she is forced to join Illya’s group.

The last part focuses on Shirou bringing Miyu and the others over to his home. His home looks exactly what it is in Fate/stay night. Aside from that, it seems that a particular arm has a liking for Illya. Yep, it was one of Tanaka’s arms. It’s funny how her arm likes being around Illya. It seems that Tanaka done that since everyone completely forgot about her. Thankfully, she came back after she arrived at Shirou’s house.

Also, we get a glimpse of Shirou spoiling Miyu as he does her hair. From there, we found out that Miyu likes animal pajamas. We know since Chloe and Illya are wearing them. Aside from that, I guess we’ll find out how this arc ends in the feature film.

Final Impressions
I have to admit that Prisma Illya 3rei is a bit more exciting compared to 2wei Hertz. There is a lot more magical girl action given that Illya and the others have to save Miyu. While there is not that much slice of life moments except a few instances, there were some fun moments in between. Overall, the darker story didn’t disappoint since it was a big improvement over 2rei Hertz. Hopefully the movie will give us an exciting conclusion to this arc as Illya and company defeats Julian for good.
Great conclusion that left us wanting more. Hopefully unanswered questions will be covered in the upcoming movie.
Overall 3rei!! is arguably the best season of Illya by far. At least it is much better than 2wei Herz!
Spoiled Miyu is adorable Miyu.
I do agree that 3rei is definitely better than 2wei Hertz given there was more magical girl action. Still, I wonder how it will resolved in the film, which I am guessing that it will come out next year.
But still, it’s not so surprising to see Miyu this spoiled, given that she lived with Luvia… but still, it’s cute.