Now that Fairy Stories 3 is complete, the girls can’t wait to buy a release copy.
After their hard work, the girls finally get to buy a copy of the game they worked on, Fairy Stories 3. It’s quite amazing that they bought the limited edition instead of getting a free copy. It seems that the girls want the extra goodies that come with the limited edition. It’s tempting, but at the same time, it can get very expensive. Not to mention, different stores will have different bonuses. I guess they do it to push sales, especially for people like Nene and Hajime who bought two copies.

From the looks of it, it seems that Nene and Hajime spoiled the game by leaking the ending. It definitely shocked some people and it became viral on the internet, which is not good. Then again, it happened in real life on several occasions. Thankfully, Umiko didn’t end up punishing her although she scared the crap out of Nene. Aside from that, Umiko shows a picture of Ko from the magazine, causing Ko to become embarrassed. It’s surprising Ko would be this timid since she looks cute in that outfit.

Aside from that, Eagle Jump threw a celebration party thanks to Fairy Stories 3 being a huge success. The voice actresses are there signing autographs along with Rin doing raffles. Still, it’s funny that Nene won a prize. She got a model gun that Umiko picked. Yep, it’s obvious that the show is pushing Umiko and Ko. Not to mention, Umiko gave Nene her business card. This proves that Umiko has a thing for Nene.

Aside from that, Aoba finally achieved one of her dreams. Yep, she got an autograph from Ko. She found out from Shizuku that Ko didn’t like being an Art Director. Ko was too strict given her hard-working mentality, causing people to quit. She simply couldn’t help seeing people quit given that she is too nice. This is probably why she doesn’t want to accept Rin’s request of becoming Art Director. Still, I am glad that Aoba managed to bring her back by saying that she looks up to her.
Final Impressions
Although I like video games like the next person, I have to admit that this show is surprisingly enjoyable. Aside from the potential shipping, the show is very relatable to my experiences at work. While this show is more lighthearted compared to Shirobako, at least we got a glimpse of how the video game industry works. Not to mention, the characters are very enjoyable. In short, I wouldn’t mind a sequel if there is one in the future.
The AoKo shippers got a bone but Aoba’s one true love is still Hifumi. Same goes for Rin X Ko.
NeneUmi lives on!
A touching finale and seeing Ko struggling with the promotion and needing motivation to try again for the art director job
We need a second season and hope the announcement of one won’t take too long.
Given how popular the show was, I won’t be surprised if there is another season. Still, I wonder what shipping potential there in the video game. We’ll see.
Thinking back, Aoba only joined when the game was in mid-development. Would love to have a second season where they make another game from scratch. New Game is pretty enjoyable to watch.
The current manga release has them working on a new project, which I guess will be the focus if there is another season. But yes, New Game was very enjoyable to watch.