At last, the Occult Club finally decides to investigate some more cases. However, they come across one that can become serious.
From last time, it’s hilarious and cute that Lucia actually went through the promise. Yes, she kidnapped Kotarou and dressed up in a cute maid outfit. She also made lunch for him. While Kotarou said it was a joke, I have to admit that Lucia looked great in the maid outfit she wore. Not only that, it seems that Lucia and Shizuru is now closer to Kotarou after show their feelings in the Occult Club Room. It looks like Akane and Kotori might become jealous now that they are getting less attention.
Aside from solving some occult cases, which are just nonsense, Kotarou comes across a case about a rainbow paradise. While everyone refused except for Shizuru, it’s obvious that it will be ominous. With the help of Chibi-Moth, it guided them to the paradise.

It wasn’t not a paradise at all, but rather a toxic cesspool with everything dying around it. This can where mysterious monsters appearing. Still, it’s surprising that Kotarou does not choose to investigate further, especially when a mysterious girl shows up again. Yes, it’s the same place where he has the horrible nightmare of being teared up by her.

From this toxic swamp, we now know Akane’s beliefs. One can say that Akane is a radical environmentalist. She doesn’t seem to like how humans are treating the earth while not caring about their impact of their actions. She doesn’t believe human kind can protect it or reverse the damage. In short, she wants to kill off humanity, which shows how extreme her ideals are. From the looks of it, she may be on the other team, Gaia. Won’t be surprised since their goal is to regenerate earth. Either way, we’ll see how this phenomenon develops now that Inoue is reported missing.
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