After Chloe reunited with Illya, it seems that there is a mysterious girl coming to their hideout. Who might this be?
After all the fighting and running away, it’s obvious the girls need a break. Aside from finding an oil for a space heater, it seems that Tanaka managed to get herself dirty. This can explain why she was drawing a picture of what looks like a hot spring on the wall. Thankfully, Gil managed to set one up on the rooftop. Still, it’s surprising that Tanaka is the only one that wore a swimsuit despite having an attractive body.

Of course, the bath is not the main feature of this episode, although it’s nice to see the girls relax. The main focus is on a young blonde hair girl named Erica who wants to become more like a lady. It’s surprising that she looks up to Illya rather quickly as an older sister. I have to admit that it was cute and it causes Illya to get excited. Not so surprising since Erica is adorable after all.

On the other hand, it seems that Tanaka doesn’t seem to like Erica at all. Evident with Tanaka’s endless arguing and biting her hand, it seems that something is not right. Apparently, the only thing Tanaka remembers is her mission of destroying the Ainsworths and meeting Illya.

In other words, Tanaka’s reason for hating Erica becomes apparent when Sapphire manages to contact Ruby. That is when Illya set off the alarm after putting up the seal placed by Bazett near the school gates. Yep, Erica is basically part of the Ainsworth family and they let her father in their hideout. From the looks of it, they are in for another tough fight. Still, it’s funny that the alarm that he tripped sounded like one of the ringtones on the iPhone. Yes, it can’t get any tackier than that.
Tanaka’s sexiness is as undeniable as Illya being a chick magnet.
We shall see next time if I’ll take Erica more seriously as a threat than the scrawny monster.
Darius looks to be a very bad man.
There is no surprise given how many girls Illya managed to attract. It makes me wonder how will Miyu will react to this. Aside from that, it’s obvious that Darius will be the bad guy. The question remains, how evil Erica is…