At last, Aoba finally receives her first paycheck! To me, it feels very nostalgic.
It seems that Aoba is doing her best as she works late to finish her villagers project. As she gets taken home with Shizuku, they talk about what she was walking on. It’s cute that Shizuku took a picture of Aoba’s smile and Aoba got surprised. Yep, it was cute.

On the other hand, it seems that Rin missed the train and decides to sleep in the office. Of course, Ko takes off her skirt when Rin walked in. Yep, there were some fantastic romantic moments such as Rin rubbing Ko’s shoulders. The funniest moment came when Rin decides to take her pants off to see how it feels. Of course, Ko walks in and Rin becomes embarrassed since didn’t have her pants on. Yep, Aoba walked in and saw them on each other. Hopefully Aoba won’t be mentally scarred for life from this.

Aside from that lovely moment, the rest of the episode focused on the girls talking about their first paycheck. I have to admit that it was nostalgic since I started working on July 27th last year. I got my first paycheck in August and of course, I used it to pay bills. But generally, whatever free spending money I have I generally use to buy Japanese video games, anime CDs and computer equipment.

Still, it’s nice to see what kind of things the girls buy with their first paycheck. It’s surprising that Haifumi spends money on cosplay since she is a quiet girl. Sadly, she won’t share photos of what characters she cosplayed. Aside from that, I guess for most Anime fans, it’s easy to relate to Hajime. Yes, she spent her money on anime figurines. I have to admit that I bought a few although I’m not being an avid collector.

In the end, it’s nice to see Aoba return the favor and buy a cake for their parents. Hopefully from here, she will work harder not just to make more money, but to make a good game.
The magnificence that were the Rin X Ko scenes. Good luck Rin. You go get your woman.
We need more Director Shizuku and Umiko-kun interactions.
Yep, I have to admit that they are a good pair and hopefully we will see more of those moments. But I agree that I would like to see Umiko show up more often. Maybe in the next few episodes…