After Illya promised that she will grant Miyu’s older brother’s wish, Angelica cornered them.
It looks like Angelica has found them by Miyu’s older brother jail cell. Now, she wants to get rid of them. Thankfully, Gil still has his powers even though it’s not at full strength, which is why he is able to defend against Angelica. It’s just too bad that he wasn’t able to defeat her with the fight ending in a stalemate. It looked like he was able to land a blow with a pile of sword. Sadly, it was not powerful enough.

Aside from that, it seems that Tanaka and Miyu forgot that there is no definite front door to the castle. Instead, they fell into a pile of junk obtained by the Ainsworths’s attempt to find the Holy Grail. Sadly, they also got cornered by Beatrice who wants to beat the living daylight out of them. It’s amazing how Tanaka managed to survive a blow from Beatrice’s attack without major injuries despite losing her clothing.

On the other hand, Illya manages to find Ruby and regains her magical girl powers. This time, it seems that her magical powers were no match against Beatrice, even after using Caster’s powers. Sadly, it wasn’t effective against Beatrice after she installed Berserker’s powers. Instead, Illya created a big hole in the wall. Thankfully, they were able to flee while Angelica and Beatrice escaped on their master’s orders.

While this was a big defeat for Illya, Tanaka and Gil, they are not giving up yet. It seems that they will need more people to help defeat the Ainsworths since they are too powerful. Judging from the next episode, Chloe shows up and it looks like she will have a rematch against Illya. Will Illya win next time so that Chloe will rejoin the group? We’ll see.
Kid Gil looked pretty cool against Hot Gil.
Beako’s lame.
Seeing Tanaka taking all that abuse was painful along with Illya and Miyu wanting to snuggle but not being able to.
I look forward to Kuro and Bazette’s return next time.
I have to admit that I felt bad for Tanaka, but I still wonder how she can take all those blows. It makes me wonder what powers she has.
But aside from that, I can’t wait to see the others come back soon.