Now that the Occult Club has been formed, Kotarou find himself in another sticky situation.
Note: Next week’s episode impressions will be published on Sunday.
Now that the Occult Club is now official, it’s time for the club to do some activities. It seems that a strange guy with the same last name as Chihaya finally showed up. Yep, his name is Sakuya and he is Chihaya’s butler. He even serves Lucia a parfait to have her stop complaining about an outsider entering academy’s ground. Yep, he knows how to get the girls’ good side by bribing them with food.

On the other hand, he hates Kotarou’s guts for no apparent reason and calls him insulting nicknames. Still, I wonder what is the reason why Sakuya has a strong dislike towards Kotarou. We’ll see eventually. Still, it’s funny to hear what he calls him insulting names.

Sadly, it seems that Kotarou got himself into some trouble. After finding a monster chasing after the girl who Kotarou can only see, he got cornered. It seems that a mysterious man summoned the monster that chased after him. Sadly, Kotarou’s powers was no match against it after he rewritten his powers. In short, he is doomed for the start, until two guys, Esaka and Gen saved him. The funny thing is that Kotarou sees Shizuru at the ramen shop. She happened to heal his hands. This should give some ideas what her powers are.

Aside from that, there were a few funny moments. As promised, Kotarou has lunch with Shizuru and got to see her right eye that differ in color. This reminds me of Takanashi Rikka since Shizuru right eye had the same color and they both wear eye patches. Still, the main difference is that Shizuru is more of a quiet girl.
As for Lucia, she gives Kotarou some payback after having her butt touched by him while searching for a snake. She basically had him crush cans as payback. Even so, it seems that she still punched Kotarou after he called her an earth representative. Now, it’s becoming obvious that she has a thing for him, but just in total denial like all tsunderes would.