After Machi became terrified, will she go on with the idol contest?
From the looks of things, it seems that she is afraid that everyone is out to get her. In reality, they are just normal people. She feels this way because she is afraid that everyone will make fun of her for being from the countryside. This does not help with her inability to use technology or lacking experience in living in a city. Since she had a sheltered life, this is a disaster waiting to happen. It was a disaster before it even started when Machi ran away during the rehearsal.

While it’s understandable that Yoshio wants her to participate in order to revitalize the village, but he needs to realize how Machi feels. Thankfully, things got better. After Machi meet a girl who got inspired by her to become an idol, she changes her mind. That and Natsu coming to cheer her on averted their efforts from being a complete waste. In fact, she managed to win the competition thanks to her performance. Sadly, Machi interpreted the applause as people throwing rocks at her. I guess this was too much for her.

Sadly, after the effort Machi put into going to a school in a city, she officially gives up on that dream. I expected this given her lack of self-esteem and being technologically ignorant. I guess it’s for the best although its somewhat disappointing. I would like to see her develop more and get over these fears.
Then again, city life is overrated. It’s not worth wasting most of the salary on very expensive rent with very high cost of living. It’s obvious since I don’t even live in a city, but rather a suburb. Besides, anything can be bought online without going to a city. Things such as the Mont Blanc that Natsu ordered can be bought over the internet. The plus side is that Machi will never have to go to a city and get traumatized in the process.
Final Impressions
I have to admit that this show was very enjoyable to watch although some things dragged on a bit. Although Machi gives up on her goals, it was funny to see her reactions, especially when it comes to technology. It’s hilarious that Natsu, who is a bear is more knowledgeable on technology and city life than her. Despite the flaws, the interactions between Machi and Natsu aside from Machi bullying is what made this show fun to watch.
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