Now that Akeno managed to save a passenger ship from last time, it’s time to put her skills as a captain to the test to help rescue a school ship that is infected with the virus.
From the looks of it, it seems that Mashimo managed to hand the report that Minami made regarding the virus to the principal and it seems dire. She did some investigation and it seems that there is a lab ship that sank at the training spot. Apparently the experiment leaked out, hence the infected rats that ate the undersea plants was set loose. The disease the rats have is referred to as totalitarian disease, which can explain why various ships tried to commit acts of mutiny or violence since they are controlled by the host. The only way it can be cured is by throwing the person into seawater or using an antibody if the victim is completely infected.

While it’s amazing how Minami managed to find a cure given that she graduated college at a very young age and she is only attending to finish her training, it’s time to put an end to the virus. In short, another school ship, namely Hiei which is a Kongou-class battle ship approaches the Harekaze. It looks like a challenge since Kongou-class ships are the only Japanese battle ships that are considered fast. There is no wonder the girls noticed that the ship was approaching a lot quicker than expected.
I’m surprised that Akeno managed to pull off her strategy even though it appeared risky. While Mashiro thinks Akeno’s strategy is impossible, Akeno proved her wrong. After circling around the island shooting at the ship and launching torpedoes that doesn’t actually hit the ship, they managed to stop Hiei in its track after it got stuck due to a tide change. In short, the operation was a huge success and Akeno didn’t have to resort to sinking the ship.

With that, it seems that naval warfare without sinking the ship is the only way going forward to stop totalitarian disease from infecting others around the world. From this, it just shows how much Akeno improved as a captain in a short period of time given that her strategy was a success.

Aside from that, Mashiro’s older sister, Mafuyu finally shows up and she is eccentric. Yep, it’s quite obvious why Mashiro fears having her to come on board for this reason alone: she has a tendency to grope other women’s butts to give an infusion of confidence. Yep, it’s funny how Mashiro came to protect Akeno and have her butt groped so that Akeno doesn’t have to experience an embarrassing family tradition. From this, it’s quite obvious how close Mashiro is to Akeno as she protects her from Mafuyu.
The Jerry Virus must be stopped! More people need to know that Jerry Mouse is not a nice mouse.
Another great battle took place this week.
Love it when Mi-chan and Conspiracy Girl roleplay.
I still think there’s a mastermind using the virus to take over the world.
I won’t be surprised if it is used as a biological weapon to overthrow governments, but it’s surprising that it’s caused by rats eating underwater plants. Hopefully, the girls will get to them in time to stop the virus from infecting everyone.