Yoou would have guessed, I have started playing Kantai Collection Kai on the Vita and it’s fairly addictive even though it’s not the same experience as the browser version, but oh well…
State of the Blog
From the looks of it, it seems my luck has gone in a downspiral just like Mashiro and her perpetual unluckiness. While I am content with my life, I haven’t been happy with how my blog has been doing for several months, especially with comments since they are very important part of the blog. Not only it’s one of the main ways of interacting with other anime fans and possibly gain new ideas for posts, aside from social networking which I am not too fond of due to how toxic it become in recent years.
This problem has been happening for a while and it’s understandable given how mediocre winter season was. Sadly, this trend still continues into spring. In short, it has impacted my motivation to blog somewhat since a blog without comments is pretty much just like talking to a room without any people, but not exactly since there are still readers who lurk around. In short, things have to change. I understand that people are busy, but to see a big drop in a short period of time is discouraging.
With that, the ability to like posts will only be limited to longer posts until things improve. Also, I will try to be more active on Twitter with anime related things, although I haven’t been updating much due to being busy. Either way, my blog needs to change since it can’t keep going like this or eventually, I will face burnout. It will be a shame since I still have a good amount of stuff, especially Japanese video games. After all, blogging about anime is one of my hobbies that I enjoy doing. But aside from that, I need a vacation, which will be happening in July (more on that in June).
With that, on to the impressions for this week.
Bakuon – Episode 8

Yep, it’s already Christmas and apparently Hajiri got her license or did she? She simply used her wealth to get one as she has no idea how to operate one. Still, it’s funny to see her get into a rage as she rides a scooter while falling off several times before she smashed it with a hammer. Guess what, it still survived since it’s a Honda and they never break regardless the abuse it received.

The funny thing is that Rin still believes in Santa, just like Maki. The only thing is that her father had someone pretend to be one so Rin wouldn’t get disappointed, which is cute. Aside from Hane delivering Rin her present, it seems that she got the worst New Year luck. Not only her takoyaki lacked octopus, her hand warmer on her bike did the opposite of what it intended to do, it actually cooled her hands. Either way, hopefully the bad luck is just a fluke and it won’t linger around for long. Aside from that, the new girl appears next time. I can’t wait.

Hundred – Episode 8

Not much happens except the units are finally deployed and it looks like the hunters are planning for their ambush. Aside from the slayers taking down Savages, we learn more about Claire’s younger sister, Liza. It seems that her mother decided to inject Savage fluid into it since she believed that Liza has a lot of potential. To make a long story short, Liza got locked away or rather, is in a resting state since she used a forbidden skill. Either way, it’s obvious to see why Clare is the student council president of Little Garden. She wants to protect her little sister.
But yes, it seems that Emilia has a lot of competition. Aside from that, it seems that there will be a huge fight next time against the hunters next time since they are now stealing Hundreds.
Pan de Peace – Episode 8

It seems that there is now a new rival in town trying to win Moa’s heart. Yep, it’s a new girl named Kawai Mai who owns a fancy shop that sells French bread. Fuyumi will definitely be jealous since she also has a huge crush on Moa too. I have a feeling that the rivalry will become heated given that Fuyumi filled Moa’s bag of the bread she baked. We’ll see how far it goes depending how many times Mai shows up.
Kumamiko – Episode 7 and 8

With Machi’s excursion to a mall being big disaster, we see another mishap when Natsu tries to convince Machi to use a rice cooker instead of cutting wood to do the same. Yep, that is a disaster since she was afraid of touching the inner pot and doesn’t know how to use one of those hi-tech ones. I own one of those Zojirushi rice cookers. Yes, they have more buttons than a basic one, but they can do many things aside from cooking perfect rice. Still, it’s funny how Machi managed to catch the place on fire by spilling some of the contents on the plugs. It just shows how dangerous Machi can be with any complicated electronics.
In the second half, it’s funny how Natsu eventually talks about how convenient online shopping is since he has no cue cards for the prayer. He also says that the city is overrated since one can simply shop online. It’s funny that Machi did not pay attention to any of it, but I agree. City life is overrated and those millennials are wasting their money on expensive rent when they could live in a suburb or a village (yes, I am being sarcastic here). Given that Machi can’t operate a rice cooker already gives doubts if she will be able to survive.

As for the 8th episode, it seems that Natsu decided to make an Italian ice rice after eating Machi’s. This eventually led to Yoshio forcing Machi to hand out samples and this almost broke her. Thankfully, Hibiki came to give her a hand and she managed to sell a few, but given that she is a shy girl and have zero experience in marketing, I say she passed considering that she almost gave up. Even so, it seems that she will have a lot of learning to do before she even thinks about moving to the city.
Last Week’s Anime Power Rankings
- Haifuri – Episode 7
- Anne Happy – Episode 7
- Bakuon – Episode 7
- Kumamiko – Episode 7
Even though I’m not in the same situation as yourself, believe me when I say that I know what it’s like to experience a burnout and feel the need to take a vacation. As for the media being toxic…you’re right about that.
Anyway Bakuon’s still very enjoyable. Looking forward to Chisame’s official debut next week.
Enjoyed this week’s Pan de Peace as much as the Noa imouto episode. The “Main girl” needs to try to stand out when even the “straight person” of the group stands out more than her.
I need to catch up with KumaMiko.
Yes, aside from my blog, this week has been rough given that my car decided to stop working on the way from work. Thankfully I have emergency savings to cover the repair, which is going to be expensive but I’m glad that I have friends that help me out. But yes, I do need a vacation and it’s only about a month away to take a break, especially from work.
Aside from that, I do look forward to the new girl in Bakuon. I have a feeling that she will be like Azusa. Also, Fuyumi needs to fight harder before the new girl takes Noa away.
I wish you the best of luck good sir. You deserve nothing but joy right now and for a long time.
Yup. She’ll be this show’s Azu-Nyan.
Noa’s a chick magnet so it won’t be easy for Fuyumi to keep her all to herself.
Hopefully when the car is fixed, I can finally rest easily and don’t have to worry.
But aside from that, it seems that Fuyumi has to fight harder now there is competition… It seems that Noa is too cute that everyone wants to take her home.