Now that Nene saved Clarion, will they be able to stop BUER’s rampage before he destroys the whole world?

From the looks of it, it is not surprising to see Fear defeated given that Nene is there to help Clarion out by using an ability, which makes it harder for Fear to hit Clarion by creating multiple copies of herself. While Nene managed to take back the weapon which Clarion threw at Ian and failed to take him out, thankfully she was able to dodge Fear’s attack. Still, it’s quite amazing that they were able to take him out after Clarion used her trump card, namely the plasma cat punch which basically disintegrated Fear instantly.

Sadly, it seems that Tami and Ian managed to hack BUER as he reunited with his body. Surprisingly, instead of taking control of him, they managed to leak all the photos that contains pictures of panty shots and girls’ thighs. I have to admit that it was funny to see everyone’s reactions along with Ian becoming annoyed over breaking into BUER booty stash instead of gaining control of the core control system. Yep, Ian and Takumi basically got BUER upset to the point where he wants to destroy the whole world since the secret is out for the world to see.

Now that BUER is on a rampage now, Nene and Clarion has to save the world by calming him down. Thankfully, Nene was opposed to sending Clarion off as Uzal suggested since she contains the key to stopping him. This would mean that she would never be able to see Clarion ever again and she doesn’t want that.

In short, Nene used the Pandora device to get to the central control system and calm BUER down with Clarion’s help of course. While Clarion became sad with the thought of Nene not coming back, thankfully she came back after she wished for BUER to bring her back and he did. In short, they reunited and lived happily after along with BUER (outside of his body of course).

Aside from that, it seems that Uzal is still alive and still in hiding as she cooks up her next big thing since the first phase of her secret weapon experiment was a success. It’s just too bad that Robert couldn’t keep Ian down and throw him in jail since he escaped. Still, there is a good possibility that he died from the building collapse.
Final Thoughts
As a whole, while it’s nice to see a futuristic world in a light-hearted manner, Koukaku no Pandora is very enjoyable for what it is. The main draw is of course Nene and Clarion since they are basically a married couple as they work together to help other people by using their powers in the name of world peace. However, there is not much in terms of plot, except for Ian working behind the scenes to try to gain control of BUER for world domination as he believed with Nene and Clarion having to stop him in the end. Aside from that, Koukaku no Pandora is a surprisingly enjoyable show with interesting science fiction elements and Yuri.
Poor BUER. I felt his pain…even though I was laughing my butt off at his misery at the same time. Still what else could we have expected from a show as delightfully crazy as this?
A wonderful conclusion to a wonderful series that had a straightforward plot and lots of wacky sci-fi goodness and a married lezborg couple.
Yep, it was funny to see him get upset and wanting to destroy the world because his pictures got leaked. There is possibly no wonder why he tried so frantically to prevent Takumi to get to those images in one of the last few episodes, although he fails.
But yes, the show was very enjoyable and yep, Nene and Clarion is a cute couple.