Oh my, it seems that Haruhiko has turned into a child.
Now that Ruru got some time in the spotlight as she experienced a day of being human-sized, it’s Haruhiko’s turn. It’s not so surprising to see him turn into a child considering that he lived alone since his childhood. While he is fixing a mysterious device from several episodes earlier, he found an essay that he wrote during a child describing the fun times he had at the playground with his parents. Considering that he lived alone during his childhood, it’s obvious to see why he yearned for parental love that he was missing. This can explain why he wrote about an experience that didn’t happen in reality.

With that, it seems that his desire for parental love from reading the essay has made him transform into his younger self. It was funny to see him realize that the clothes on him was a bit too big on him along with him freaking out that he was not in the right classroom that is filled with first graders after he was turned into a child. Still, the funny thing is that Haruhiko still manages to be stuck-up and polite while being adorable at the same time. There no wonder the female students in his class seem to adore him a lot. It’s funny to admit this since the teenaged version of himself is rather useless. Even so, he Is still somewhat of a nerd despite being a child, for now at least.

While it’s funny to see Mai tease Haruhiko now that he is a child, she has to take the role of being his temporary mother and look after him. I have to admit that I felt sorry for her considering that Haruhiko made fun of her for having such a messy room. Yep, Mai has to clean up her room, cook dinner, go shopping and work part-time, which eventually caused her to become exhausted. At the same time, I can’t help but to laugh, especially when Haruhiko tried to put every possible thing in the shopping cart. If she didn’t stop him, she will be left with an expensive grocery bill and an empty wallet. It brings back memories when I did something similar like that.

From the looks of it, the only thing that brought Haruhiko back to his normal form is Mai taking the role of his mother and play with him in the playground. It’s not so surprising since Mai experienced a similar type of thing given that she lives alone without her parents. In the end, it’s easy to see why they got along towards the end while they played with each other at the playground, until a sand phantom came and overwhelmed her. Haruhiko was able to return back to normal and defeat the phantom despite wearing nothing but his underwear since he lost his clothing.

In the end, while I prefer Haruhiko when he was child since at least he had some redeeming qualities, it’s nice to learn more about his childhood without his parents. It was tough for him since he didn’t receive much affection given that his dad is busy traveling and his mom got a divorce. Still, despite how hard is it for Mai to look after him, she definitely matured a lot after understanding Haruhiko’s desire for affection and taking the role of his mother temporarily. Still, I have to admit that she looks prettier with her hair down.

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